•Chapter Two•

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The sound of buzzing makes Delaney get up and turn off her alarm clock. First day of school for Delaney. Correction. High school. Good grief. Delaney pulls her short hair up to wash her wash and bush her face. She puts her clothes on and takes her hair down. She looks in her mirror for a few seconds before taking a breath in and going to the kitchen to get her lunch box.

 She looks in her mirror for a few seconds before taking a breath in and going to the kitchen to get her lunch box

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She smiles when she sees Tony looking for her. They make small conversation while he drops her off to the subway. "You'll do great... try to make friends alright? And if anyone tries to make fun of you, they'll have to fight with me. Or you! And you'll kick their ass!" Delaney laughs and says goodbye before stepping into the subway.

The ride to school wasn't bad especially since Delaney listened to her music. When it reached the block by school, she got off and started walking alone. She saw a bunch of kids walking around campus and going into the inside. She made her way to the building that said "Administration Office."

Once she got her locker combination and schedule, it was fifteen minutes after the bell rang for class to start. The guidance counselor shows her to her first class, advanced calculus. The teacher was already teaching as they opened the door to the room. The whole room stops to look at Delaney. She keeps her head up and looks at all the students as they look back.

"Okay class, we have a new student. Welcome Delaney Hunter. Delaney, you can take a seat; there's an open one at the back." Delaney pushes up her glasses and thanks the teacher. When she walks to her seat, she could feel everyone's eyes on her. She sits down next to a student sleeping at their desk and a girl on the other side of her. She looks at her for a moment as the teacher continues. The girl leans over to Delaney.

"Mmm... one, two, three, four- five piercings!" Delaney notices the girl's excitement and becomes relieved. "Yeah, I would've gotten tattoos but my agency wouldn't allow it." The girl arches her eyebrows and looks back down at her desk. "Badass."

It was now the time for lunch and Delaney always hated this part. Just like a typical teen movie, the new girl struggles to find a seat or eats alone. Delaney has done both options, but mostly the second one, but this was the year things would change.

Carrying her lunchbox, she passes by a few lockers and hears a conversation between a few boys. "I took a picture with her. Look! It's me and Sorceress!" Delaney turns to see the same boy she met the other day and smiles to herself. Walking away she makes it to the cafeteria.

Once she got there, she could feel eyes burning into her head. Everyone was looking at her. She keeps her chin up and finds Michelle, the girl she talked to before, in the crowd. She casually makes her way and greets her as she plops down her lunchbox.

Along with her lunchbox, Delaney has a folder of all the work she needed to know to catch up. Disregarding the rest of her lunch, she takes a bite of her apple as her eyes are glued to the papers in front of her. She gets everything done in about five minutes which was a very short amount of time considering she had about a pound to do. "Okay new girl!" Michelle says and they start to chat about anything and everything while eating their meal.

Delaney ate as Michelle talks about the different clubs and her opinion on them. Delaney was so wrapped up with their conversation she didn't even notice the two people joining on the other part of the table.

"New top?" "No we've seen the top before... different skirt." Michelle talks to the two voices. "You guys are losers." What are they even talking about, Delaney thought. The two were Ned Leeds and Peter Parker. Delaney then looks up and pushes her hair out her face. "Then why do you sit with us?" "Because I don't have any friends." "Thanks Michelle, I thought we were hitting it off, too." The boys then look at the new voice. Something in Peter's expression changes. The two lock eyes and Delaney looks back at Michelle before her face becomes more red. Ned brings his hand towards her. "Ned Leeds. Who are you?" Delaney puts her water down and shakes his hand. "I'm Delaney Hunter." "How come I've never seen you around?" Peter asks, keeping his eyes on her. His tone was different from his other conversation. It was softer. "I'm from Rhode Island and I haven't really been out since I've moved. A lot of... unpacking." They all seem to have bought it and the table talks until the end of lunch.

The bell rang and they all spilt up. A girl named Liz met with her to help her to her classes. "So Delaney, are you interested in any clubs our school has?" They continue to walk as people talk about the new girl. "Yeah I am actually."

"What kind? Maybe I could help you." She drums her binder as they walk in the hallway. They talk about all the different clubs as they reach the door and enter to their next class. To Delaney's relief, her first day was going phenomenal.

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