•Chapter Nine•

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Delaney walks over to her locker and can feel a presence next to her. She puts her books away and can suddenly feel their negative energy. She knows exactly who it is. Rolling her eyes as she slams her door shut she sees the one and only Flash Thompson.

"On your way to class? We've got chemistry together." He winks and Delaney fake barfs obnoxiously. "And if there was a class for flirting, you'd get an f for failure." She continues to walk to her class (that was actually chemistry) and sits in her assigned seat. She rakes her hand through her hair as she looks at the board. It reads:

Partners today for our new lab! Wait to be assigned.

The teacher then goes on on who is with who and makes it to Delaney and he says "Delaney and Flash..." he has his smug look as always and Delaney says "You've got to be shitting me."

"These are to be turned in by tomorrow and with you and your partner working as a team it won't be a problem. You have the rest of class to work on it."

Flash a little too eagerly sits next to Delaney and she just rolls her eyes as she starts the work. "All you and I are going to do ever is this project. And if you think anything otherwise I'll make sure to tell the teacher you didn't do your part and you'll get a zero. Understood? Now you can take a few scoots away."

A few tables away Peter and Ned were in shock but greatly appreciated her talking to their bully like that. They all knew he liked Delaney and flirted with her every time he got. It drove them mad including Delaney who knew how he really was. She sent a smile their way locking eyes with Peter who waves at her. They all finish their work once the bell rings.

[A/n: hey guys sorry this is a filler and it's really short but I'm actually working on another project that might come out over the summer. I'm pretty sure the next chapter will be of them in DC so get ready lads!]

The Girl Behind The Mask• P.Parker Where stories live. Discover now