•Chapter Ten•

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Today is the day

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Today is the day. Delaney is no longer Sorceress for the weekend and will be her real identity as she goes to DC. She packs her suitcase up as Tony sits next to her. "You're going to another state just to answer a bunch of questions?" "That's one way to see it Tony." He sighs. "Just be careful, and whatever happens make sure you don't go all Sorceress there okay? People will start to get suspicious." She nods. "I'll be careful. Geez when did you turn into a softie?"

He makes a sour face and grumbles something under his breath, making Delaney laugh. She finishes packing and uses her telekinesis to let it float next to her as she makes her way to the door. Tony walking next to her, fixes his watch and texts Happy to have the car ready. They make small talk as they keep walking. Finally making it to the door, Tony says his goodbyes and ruffles her hair. She gets into the back of Happy's car and they drive.

"So, do you like anyone?" Delaney looks up to Happy in the mirror startled by his question. "Um.. in general or friends?" "Whichever." She fiddles with her fingers in the back seat. "Well, I have three friends. There's MJ, who's really cool, she's smart and sarcastic. She'll be my roommate for the competition. Next there's Ned. He's into Legos and Star Wars and is super friendly. Then there's my last friend . He's nice but shy and super into engineering and science. He's also cute..." Delaney says the last part quieter as she feels her cheeks heat up.

"He actually reminds me of Spider-Man, who I've been hanging out with too." "What's his name?" She gets a text and looks down. "Oh his name is Peter. Peter Parker."

Happy's eyes widen and swerves the car. "Happy, is everything okay?" Happy takes a slow, calming breath. "Uh, yeah just a pothole, heh." He quickly replies.

Weird, Delaney thinks. She then looks at the message from Ned.
N: Coming soon?
D: about a block away
Happy puts on his turn signals and Delaney sees that they made it. The bus is parked with a few kids scattered in front of it. She can spot MJ immediately from her height and then sees Flash, Abe, Ned, and a few more students.

Delaney gets out of the car with her suitcase and went over to the drivers window. "I'll see you later Happs. Take care of Tony for me." Happy scoffs as they do their handshake. "Geez kid you're acting like you're moving away. It's one weekend." Delaney shrugs.

"You never know. Something could happen."


We were about to leave the parking lot of the school

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We were about to leave the parking lot of the school. We were by the back; Ned in the back seat, me in front of him, and MJ across from me. The drive was going to be a few hours so I was going to try to get comfy. I stretch and put my headphones in. Suddenly, I could feel fast footsteps hopping into the bus and I get up.


Something along the lines of he had a change of plans and he can do the competition. It's great that we can have him, he's super smart. And it was funny to see how mad Flash was that Peter got his place back. I tap my seat for Peter to sit. He plops down and our knees touch, which makes my lips flicker up. "Hey, my phone is kinda dead, do you mind if we share?" His eyes look at mine with his lips in a tight line. I smile at him and hand him my left earphone.

"You listen to Rex Orange County?" Peter's eyes light up and I giggle. "Yeah I love that band!" He smiles his dorky smile and the bus starts.

Catching the bus is way easier. And Ned says he'll help me out if people get suspicious. I look over and see Delaney leaning her head back against the seat and grabs my arm. She leans her head against my shoulder and soon falls asleep next to me.

I sigh and watch the scenery around me. We pass by street signs and make our way to the highway. I feel myself leaning into Delaney as the song sunflower plays. I feel my eyes get heavy and I decide to let them close.

I promise I'm the one for you
Just let me hold you in these arms tonight...

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