•Chapter Thirteen•

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Peter wasn't expecting any of his friends to be at his home. After fighting crime in the city, he swings from web to web back to his apartment. Aunt May was expecting him soon. What he didn't know is she wasn't the only one at home.

Delaney talked to Aunt May as she tried to make dinner. However, the meal was horribly burnt so the girls ordered pizza and waited for Peter. Delaney decided to check out his room as May was on the phone. Closing the door cautiously, she looked around.

She sees a bunch of papers and computer parts scattered across the floor. She also sees some clothes on the floor as she steps over them to sit on his bed. His room shows how much of a rush Peter's always in, Delaney thinks. She lets out a small chuckle and starts to rock back and forth remembering why she was there in the first place.

In all honesty, Delaney was afraid she was losing Peter's friendship. He kept avoiding her after school and ignoring her calls. She kept wondering if she was doing something wrong or hurt him somehow. She just wanted him back.

The sound of rain came out of his bedroom window and she gets up to watch the city view. Delaney sees the window is cracked open a bit. Should I close it? Aunt May calls out to her for pizza and Delaney leaves the window as it is, leaving Peter's room.

Delaney and Aunt May both giggle in excitement as they open up the box of pizza. "So Delaney, are you thinking about going to homecoming? It's not that far from now." Delaney shrugs and replies, "Probably. I'm not the best dancer, but if my friends are going I'll go, too." May nods and smiles. "I'm a great dancer maybe I could teach you some moves.." May gets up and starts to dance and Delaney starts to laugh. They laugh together and finish their slices, leaving more for Peter.

As they were in the kitchen, they didn't hear the noise coming from Peter's room. Peter silently hides his suit and goes back out of his window. Jumping from each fire escape with almost no sound, he goes through the window in the hallway and right to the door. Unfortunately, the rain soaked Peter's clothes and shoes. He takes a breath and knocks the door of his house. Aunt May opens the door and turns on the heat to warm him up.

Delaney was in the bathroom as Peter walked in. After washing her hands she walks out back to where May was. "Peter just got here, he's in his room." Delaney says thanks and almost runs to his room.

Opening the door wide, Peter had his back towards Delaney. "Peter." Almost a whisper, he whips around to see the girl with wide eyes. She steps closer and he stutters out a "Hey Laney. Um how" but was cut off when she cups her hands around his face.

"Are you okay? What going on Peter? Why do you keep avoiding me? Is there something I don't know?" She searches his eyes and that's when Peter realizes how much his secret is hurting her and their friendship. Should he tell her? Was it still too soon? How would she react? He sighs and takes her hands gently off his face.

"Laney I promise I'm okay. I'm not trying to avoid you. You don't have to worry okay?" She takes a deep breath in. "So, we're friends right? And you're okay?" He gently nods at the girl. She lets out the breath and wraps her arms around him. He hugs her back, taking in the smell of her perfume and her soft hair.

She clears her throat trying to hide her pink cheeks with her hands. "I just um- a lot of people I used to know left me on my own and didn't look back so." She looks up to see Peter staring at her in understanding; his parents were gone and his uncle passed away not that long ago. Aunt May was the only family he had. In this way, they were the same.

They talk after their situation was settled and hung out until Delaney got a phone call. She read the name Tony on her lit phone and her eyebrows came together. "Hey T, what up? I'm at Peter's house...I think it started raining again...okay sure... you're getting me? Okay yeah I'll see you soon I'll text you the address...bye." She ends the call and continues to chat until she gets a text that Tony is waiting outside. "Let me walk you down." She gets up and heads toward the door and pauses. "Hold on." She walks through the hallway and finds Aunt May brushing her hair. "May?" She looks up and gives a kind smile to her. She runs up to her and gives her a hug. "Bye." "Bye sweetie feel free to come by anytime."

Delaney tried her best not to smile as they take the elevator down to the lobby and gives Peter one last hug before getting into the car. They drive away, and Tony greets her. He takes one look at her and says. "You like the kid don't you?"

[A/N: GUYS WELCOME BACK I KNOW ITS BEEN A WHILE SORRY!!! I hope you guys enjoy and please vote, like, share, and comment. Thanks guys I hope you like the series!]

The Girl Behind The Mask• P.Parker Where stories live. Discover now