20 | boyfriend

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Confessions are made between Jimin and Yoongi
— —— —

days later

He's running late.

What if he decided to not come over?

Oh no...

What if he's officially done with me?

Yoongi paced the floor of his small apartment as his nerves started to get the best of him while he impatiently waited for Jimin to show up.

This isn't the first time that Jimin's been over to Yoongi's apartment, however, it is the first time that they'll be having such a serious talk with each other. The conversation that they needed to have was long overdue, and Yoongi felt it'd be best for them to meet at his apartment — a place where he was the most comfortable which in turn would make it a little easier for him to better express himself — instead of meeting somewhere out in public where there'd be nothing but distractions surrounding the both of them.

Yoongi has a lot to get off his chest this evening, as does Jimin. In the end, they both were hoping for a positive outcome because neither of them could handle it emotionally if things ended sourly between them, leaving their already complicated friendship to slowly crumble over time. Not only would that be devastating but also heartbreaking because Yoongi really cares for Jimin. Like, more than a lot.

But, being that he's never been in a serious relationship or in love with anyone before, Yoongi had no idea about what that might feel like or if it's what he currently has going on with Jimin — that he's in love with him but doesn't know it.

What Yoongi does know is that he isn't ready to let Jimin go.

He wasn't ready to have Jimin walk out of his life. The two have been nearly inseparable for months; having to wake up one day and not being able to see Jimin in person... it's a feeling that Yoongi absolutely dreaded. So he knew that he had to speak up and let his true feelings be known before Jimin took on this new job and moved away, them not being able to see each other again for a long, long time.

How should I start the conversation? What if I end up saying the wrong thing?

Yoongi couldn't stop his mind from racing...

Fuck! I'm making this harder than it needs to be.

As much as he tried, in general, it'd always been difficult for Yoongi to express himself, especially when it came to his feelings. Things were usually worse whenever he got flustered and nervous, even the simple task of forming a basic sentence resulted in him stumbling over his words, depending on who he was speaking to. Regardless, he wanted to be his best self in front of Jimin this evening. What he didn't want was to embarrass himself.

~ ! ping ! ~

Yoongi got a new text from Jimin, stating that he was walking up to Yoongi's front door.

Quickly putting his phone away, by the time Yoongi rushed to open the door before Jimin could reach it, Jimin had already beat Yoongi to it. He was standing on the other side getting ready to knock just as Yoongi had swung open the door. Yoongi cracked a half smile at his adorable looking guest, receiving a shy grin from Jimin in return before later inviting him inside.

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