[01:33] 🔞

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thought he also understood this meant accounting for the blonde's so called previous self.

or really, just him in general since they're still the same person, only in a different body.

"I can't handle hearing your voice right now, jungkook. just please.. stop knocking." the blonde called back out, curling into the side of the couch as his tears clouded his source of vision.

well.. fine.

jungkook originally planned to do this verbally.

but desperate times called for desperate measures.

Chickie 🐣💛

I don't have to speak then, but cmon Jimin, just hear me out

I know what you're thinking.. trust me, I do.. its not like that at all

im not just another straight boy here for your body, im not here to be your next Hyunseok..

I respect you and you're more than a pretty body to me

you're becoming everything at this point..

I know I keep confusing you with all my running.. I don't blame you for my mistakes.. I know you've never known how I truly felt this whole time, hell.. even I didn't

but im here to stay this time, im not going anywhere. I know all the answer myself now

do you remember when I told you I wanted to start talking?

that was all bc I found myself so suddenly attached to the tiny boy who giggled a lot and made my heart race with his crescent eye smiles

your body had very little to nothing to do with my initial attraction to you, it really didn't. im not gonna deny being attracted to you because whats the point?

I am, but its not because you're effeminate now, its because you're just you in general

you have an alluring personality, Jimin.. there's no way I could avoid falling deep for that shit

I love when you wear your little outfits bc you're always so confident in them.. it drives me insane when you're feelin yourself bc that's just the sexiest thing to me

thats why I liked your outfit the other day, not because you looked like a girl or whatever

you sat on top of me with so much assertion and certainty.. THATS what really got to me

you've never looked more beautiful.. what you had on played no role to it, I wanted to touch you back because your pride in yourself drew me right to you

the first time I was just too overwhelmed.. im not used to being sober remember? when you crawled on me in MY OWN clothes.. god, it was just too much for me to handle yet

I worked on how to calm myself down if you ever wanted to try something like that again, I felt bad for basically rejecting you when I definitely thought it was hot and WANTED to be able to touch you back

I want you to love yourself like the second time instead, it's the most attractive thing

hell.. I even wanna see you in MY clothes more often, that was hottest by FAR like I said 🤤

Effeminate | Jikook ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang