Chapter 2

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"Miku, are you sure you don't remember anything?" Miku's mum prodded, looking at Miku with concern. Miku had just come home the day before, unlocking the door as usual, and walking into her house, praying that time in the arena was different to time here, so that no-one would have even noticed that she was gone. No such luck though.

'I honestly don't remember anything," Miku protested feebly. "I, uh, don't even remember going missing." Miku's mum eyed her suspiciously. That was the problem with mums, Miku had to admit. They all seemed to have a radar in their head, telling them who was lying and who wasn't, especially with things that meant you were in deep trouble.

Finally, her mum sighed.

"You know, I worry about you, Miku," She said, looking at Miku directly in the eye. "I never seem to know what's going on in that head of yours. I hope you know what you're doing." With a final pat on Miku's head, she left the room, closing the door behind her. With a sigh, Miku fell back on her bed, relieved. She had a feeling that scene was going to repeat itself for the next month.

She hadn't seen Yuuki or any of the other magical girls after she had gone home, so she had assumed that they lived in some other city. In Kasamino city, there weren't all too many witches, which Miku was thankful for, seeing as going out every night was proving much more difficult, with her parents watching her every move, and getting suspicious, if she went out late every night to hunt witches.

Even now, she had to go straight home after school. Whenever she wanted to go somewhere with her friends, her friends would have to speak to her mum or dad, and persuade them to let Miku go somewhere.

Looking up at her ceiling, Miku cursed the incubators with all her might. It didn't help her situation though. What happened to her freedom? She may as well be a rat stuck in a trap.

That night, Miku prepared to leave, to go witch-hunting. Kasamino City didn't have many witches, so hopefully she'll be done quickly.

Turning back to her bed, she held out her soul gem, letting the magic flow into her, as she sent out her magic, creating a replica of herself, lying in the bed, sleeping, if any of her parents came to check on her. As long as they didn't try to wake up the replica, they wouldn't even know she was missing.

It was quite surprising actually, that Miku had managed to master creating a replica of herself. It wasn't something she knew she could do, but desperate times called for desperate measures. There was still a flaw though. The replica would sleep, or at least, look as though she was sleeping, but if her parents tried to shake her, or if anyone tried to wake her up, she wouldn't wake up.

Hopping out of her open window (seeing as leaving through the front door was no longer possible), she landed softly on her front lawn. Running off, she looked back, hoping that no lights were turning on, that no-one heard or noticed her leaving.

Walking into the city, Miku held out her soul gem, waiting for it to begin pulsing, and that familiar rush of excitement and fear, as she found her first witch.

Walking into the barrier, she noticed with a sigh of relief, that no humans had wandered into the barrier. She had to be quick, and waking up an unsuspecting person who had wandered into the barrier would take too long.

She began running, transforming as she went, summoning her titan sword, and hefting it into the air with ease. Minion began flocking her, their crazed green eyes dancing, but Miku slashed them apart neatly. She kept running, until she saw a dark shadow in the distance. Now to destroy the witch.

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