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~Ashton's POV~


I looked over my shoulder and saw the blond haired boy running towards me, out of breath.

"Come to my house after school. I'll cook dinner and we can play the game system," Luke said and I nodded. After he saw me cry yesterday, I felt like there was no point in being mad at him anymore. Though, I still had thoughts that he was going to hurt me.

He hugged me tightly.

I winced and hesitantly hugged him back. I seemed too desperate to be friends with him, but I missed him too much.

Luke broke apart from the hug. "I'll pick you up at your locker and we can walk to my house together after school," Luke said and I nodded before I watched him walk away to his classroom.

I sighed and leaned against my locker. This was the same boy I had fallen for over the last couple months. Something was so attractive about his bad side, but deep down, I was obsessed with his good side. The memories of the last few months flooded my head, the wonderful memories he and I had together.
I had an obsession with his ocean blue eyes and the way he fiddled with his lip ring when he was nervous. I loved the way he would talk and how he always smiled when I told jokes. I remember the days when Luke would wrap his arms around me to keep me from getting cold in the winter time.

I felt my face starting to form a smile as I walked to my class happily.

I felt like school had dragged on forever and I had two exams today which I probably failed, that's all I've been doing lately. I felt like a complete failure knowing I would have to take summer school.

I went up to my locker and started putting my books away with a sigh.

"Hi!" I jumped slamming my locker shut and looked at Luke with a pout on my face.

"You scared me!" I squealed and he shook his head chuckling.

"I'm sorry," he said and wrapped his arms around me and I smiled. He kissed my cheek and pulled me close.

"Are you ready to go Ashton Irwin?" He asked, face so close to mine.

I blushed and smiled at that and I tucked a piece of loose curls behind my ear. I nodded and he took my hand, walking me to his house.

"My mom's at work, she should be home after dinner," Luke said as I looked around. This house has brought back quite a bit of memories. From him and I kissing in his room, to egging and throwing toilet paper at it when I seeked revenge. The memories weren't the happiest and I frowned when I entered Luke's room, the familiar scent of cologne and teenage boy coming back to me.

I watched as Luke had turned on the television and set up the PlayStation. "Your options are Guitar Hero, Call of Duty, Sonic Sega All Star Racing, Pac Man, Mario Bros, and Crash Bandicoot."

They were all such classic games and I couldn't decide which one I wanted to play. "Let's play every game, and spend two hours on each game," I said and he nodded.

"Might as well sleep over," Luke said and I laughed.

"Can I?"

He shrugged. "I'll ask my mom, but I don't see why you can't."

Luke put the Guitar Hero game in the system. "Pick your weapon," Luke said and handed me the guitar and the microphone.

"I have drums as well."

"I'll play that," I said and Luke got the drum set out of his closet.

"What song do you want to play?"

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