~Chapter 1~ Green Beans

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The sound of an alarm could be heard as the clock flashed 6am, there was a rustle of sheets and a pale hand reached out and shut off the alarm, plunging the room into a relieving silence. The man yawned and threw his quilt off as he sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his deep blue eyes. He ran his long fingers through his forest green hair, brushing a few stray hairs out of his eyes as he slowly got out of bed, padding towards his bedroom door still half asleep.

He padded down the hall to the kitchen and grabbed the sultana bran from the cupboard and the milk from the fridge, sitting down at the small wooden table, preparing his breakfast quietly so as not to wake his flatmate. He slowly spooned his cereal into his mouth and contemplated his work for the day, sighing as he realised his actions were becoming sort of repetitive and boring.

He yawned once more and washed his dishes before grabbing a towel and heading for a shower, hoping to wash away the filthy feeling he had running through his veins. He entered the bathroom, the tiles cold under his bare feet, he switched the light on and the vent fan whirred to life at the same time. He turned the water onto hot and left it to heat up while he proceeded to undress.

A good hour later he stepped out of the shower, his hair damp, an ultimately relived feeling now cleansing his veins. He wrapped his ash coloured towel around his thin white waist, yawning slightly as he padded down his carpeted hall to his bedroom where he grabbed a black septiceye shirt and a pair of black ripped jeans. He changed into his clothes and walked back down the hall to his recording studio.

He set up his equipment and looked down at his list of games to play, it was October so of course it would be a horror game, he grinned as he read the fourth game on his list: little nightmares; he booted up his PC.

He clicked on the install file for little nightmares and grabbed his headphones and his Xbox controller, plugging both into his PC. He booted up his camera and loaded the screen capture program on his second monitor. He then took the lens cap off his camera and set the timer for 10 seconds, he got into position and hit the record button on the screen capture program then his camera.


"TOP OF THE MORNIN' TO YA LADDIES! My name is Jacksepticeye and today we are playing little nightmares"

A/n: soo this is the first chapter of this fanfic... I hope you like it, I will try to update as frequently as possible and as always.. I will see all you dudes in the next chapter! Buh-byee!!


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