Start from the beginning

"We won't go through the castle" I told her.

"We can't apparate"

"We won't" I called the shadows upon us; I took my sister's hand and we entered to them, we appeared in the Headmistress office.

"Professor Flowers! Isabella!" McGonagall exclaimed, "Professor, did Isabella did something wrong? Because if she did, I will personally give her detention and less points to Gryffindor-" she started saying.

"NO! Not at all, Minerva. But we've got to tell you something" I told her my parents' story, and then I showed her my mom's photo.

"Isabella, she... she is your sister?" McGonagall was in shock.

"Minerva, you'll always be her mother; but I want to ask you a favor. Two, in fact." I said to Minerva

"The first one is that I'll ask you to call me Bryony, not Professor, not Ms. Flowers, Bryony, please" I told her, she nodded, "I know you've got no house head in Gryffindor, and I really want to be near my sister, that is the second favor, me to be Gryffindor's house head" I asked Professor McGonagall.

"Yes, Bryony, I'll announce it tomorrow at breakfast, but I'll ask you a favor. Take care of my little girl, please" she told me.

"I will, Minerva"

Isabella returned to Gryffindor's common room. And after I checked she entered, I headed to the Argo.

"Where are you going?" I heard a voice from behind.

"I'm going to sleep, thank you very much" and I was aiming to continue my path when a strong hand took my arm.

"The dorms are the other way, princess" the voice told me. I turned to see who was the one grabbing me. It was a student, with platinum blonde hair; he had pale blue eyes and pale skin.

"You let me go, kid" I told him.

"We may be in the same year, but you are at least two years younger. I won't let you go until you tell me where are you going and why were you in the Forbidden Forest"

"I told you to let me go!" I snapped.

"And I've told you to tell me where are you going! By the way; I'm Draco, Draco Malfoy" he said, "and you are cute, let me tell you something, if you kiss me, I'll let you go and I won't tell anyone that you were on the Forbidden Forest"

"Ew, no thank you, I'll prefer to be in the Fields of Asphodel" I said, he wasn't really ugly, he was handsome, really, but his attitude was disgusting, "can you let me go now?"

He took my other hand and slammed me against the stone wall, I heard a loud 'crack!'

"If you don't want to kiss me, I will kiss you" his face was only a few inches from mine.

"Let her go!" I heard someone say from behind Draco.

"Or what?" Draco challenged the voice's owner.

"You'll deal with these" I guess the other voice showed something to Draco, because he put his forearm into my throat making breathing more difficult; he pulled out his wand and said something that sounded like 'stupid fly'.

"But how-?" Draco started, but the voice cut him off.

"Let her go!" the voice repeated. Draco let me go just a moment before he slapped my face with the back of his hand.

"Okay, that is something I won't tolerate!" I exclaimed. I kicked him in the stomach, he stayed shocked a moment but not enough to let me kick him again.

Daughter of Death and Magic (Percy Jackson and Harry Potter Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now