Chapter 3

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Danielle's POV

"Sooo, just to make sure you're not trying to kidnap and murder me; where exactly are we going?" I ask Justin.

He chuckles. "Well, my parents has this little lake house not too far from here. We never use it anymore but Jason usually goes there to get wasted."

I groan. "She's going to get in so much trouble, I can feel it."

Justin takes his eyes of the road for a few seconds to look at me before looking back. "She seems to be the female version of Jason."

I nod in agreement.

Natalie's POV

My eyelids feels heavy as I slowly open them. A sharp smell is in the air and it makes my eyes sting. I screw them shut again and try to fall back asleep. I fight to keep the dream I had, but it doesn't work. I can still feel the smell of alcohol and the weed that fills the room.

I sit up and look around. I'm lying on a dusty couch with coffee stains on it. There's beer bottles and joints everywhere and it takes me a few seconds to realize where I am. But when I see a knocked out Jason lying on the floor, I remember.

I grab a pillow and hit Jason with it as hard as I can. "Wake up, you idiot."

Jason groans and slowly sits up. He looks like hell. He had a bottle of vodka and some unknown drugs in his car, I didn't take any drugs though.

"What the hell was that for?" He mutters.

I shrug. "Are you still high?" He shakes his head.

Suddenly someone slams open the door. I jump a little but soon realize that it's only Dani and Justin. Justin looks exactly like Jason, the only difference is the tattoos covering Jason's arms.

Justin's gaze goes from Jason to me and stops on my face, his lips slightly parting and his eyes going wide. It's like he has never seen me before. When I think about it, I don't think he has.

"Sorry to ruin this party but we gotta talk," Dani says and comes up to me with crossed arms.

I force my eyes from Justin's face and look at Danielle. "Then, talk."


I roll my eyes but get up off the couch and follow her outside. It's still dark outside and kind of chilly. I hug myself and stare at Dani. "What?"

"You have to stop doing this." Dani says with surprisingly calm voice. "You're going to get in trouble."

"Fuck off." I look at something behind Dani, she is almost a head shorter than me so it's easy to pretend that she's not there.

"Natalie, I'm serious!" Oh, she said my whole name. "You'll get in so much trouble, I can feel it!"

"Okay, mom."

Dani sighs. "I can't be your babysitter forever."

I look down at her and narrow my eyes at her. "That's the thing, Dani. I don't need a babysitter, okay? And I sure as hell don't need you!"

I regret the words the second I've said them, I can see the hurt in Dani's eyes but she tries to cover it up. I open my mouth to say something but I don't know what so I close it again.

The front door flies open and Jason and Justin walks out. Justin looks between me and Dani with worried eyes, while Jason looks like he doesn't give a fuck.

"What's going on?" Justin asks. Dani opens her mouth to answer but I cut her off.

"Nothing. Hey, Jason. Let's get out of here." Jason nods and heads towards his car.

"Natalie." I hear Dani groan but I ignore her. I'm just about to get into Jason's car when I see another car.

"Is that your car?" I ask Justin and walk over to it. He nods. I can see the car keys are in, it wouldn't hurt to just borrow his car, right?

I look over my shoulder at them, they don't move. Danielle's jaw is tensed and her eyes are shooting daggers. I look at Justin, he doesn't seem to realize what I'm about to do. I smile and wave a little. "Bye."

In a second I'm inside the car and have turned the keys. The engine roars to life and I step on the gas pedal.

Jason stares at me with a what-the-fuck-look when I drive past his car, I just shrug.

I smile evily at Justin and Dani as I drive by them and then I'm out on the road and leave the lake house behind me.

Jason's car comes up beside me and tries to drive passed, but I step harder on the gas pedal and the car speeds off.


After a short while I realize that there's no liquir in this car at all. I'm starting to sober up and Jason has all the bottles. Judging by the way he's driving he must be really fucking drunk. I have no idea how that guy can still be alive. I chuckle.

Suddenly I hear sirens. I look in the rear view mirror and confirm that there's a police car casing us. I curse and step a bit harder on the gas pedal. I can't get arrested again, not less than 48 hours after I got out.

I notice that Jason is doing the same and soon we're both way over the speed limit. If we don't get away from the cops then we'll be in so much trouble...


This is short and boring, but it gets better. Please vote and comment. Love you :)


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