Chapter 2

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On our way to Danielle's place Liam yells at me for being so, I quote, thoughtless and disrespectful towards the boss. It's always about the boss, everyone seems to love him even thought no one has seen him. They treat him like God or something.

"Are you guys coming to the gang meeting tomorrow?" Liam asks when we all get out of his car.

I nod. "Yeah, we are."

"Good," Liam says. "try to stay out of trouble. Good seeing you Danielle." Liam smiles at her and gets in the car.

"Asshole." I mutter as he drives off.

Dani unlocks the door and we step in. I kick off my shoes and head to the kitchen. There's a pizza box in the fridge with a few slices in. I put them on a plate and place it in the microwave. I jump up on the kitchen counter and wait for the pizza to heat up.

"Are you hungry?" I ask Dani when she walks in.

She nods slightly but doesn't say anything, I know she's mad.

"Is pizza okay?"

She nods again and sits down on a chair. Her elbows rests on the kitchen table and her head is in her hands. She looks exhausted. "You're an idiot." She mumbles.

"I know."

**The next day**

"I hate those stupid meetings, why do they even have them? They can just text the gang leader if they need us to do something!" Dani complains without a single swear word. Wow.

"The boss just wants to make sure we are still his little puppets." I shrug.

"Why do you even come here? You kind of hate him." Dani points out.

"I'm already in so much trouble for kidnapping that girl last week and stealing the car."

"She was 15!" Dani hisses.

I roll my eyes. "Well, we got information to the case, right?"

"Because you pointed your gun at her head! It's not her fault that her dad owes the boss money." Dani mutters.

"I can't believe they didn't kill him..." I mumble. Everyone says that I was an idiot for kidnapping Mr Willows' daughter but if I wouldn't have then he would be in like Asia right now. Thanks to me the boss got his money. My gun wasn't even loaded when I pointed it at her head.

"Can I please have everyone's attention!" Liam yells into the microphone. Everyone shuts up and listens to what he has to say. "The boss wanted to thank you all for the help on our last case with Mr Willows. He payed back what he owed and in case you were wondering, his daughter is fine." Liam glares at me. A few people clap and a few people glare at me.

"As of now we don't have another case but the boss wants us to stay together and keep meeting like this. We are the biggest group of gangs in North America and people would do almost anything to turn us against each other. So we have to respect each other and stay together as a team." Liam starts his speech. He always does this. He talks about respect and to work as a team, when our job is to kill people and make sure no other gangs get into our territory.

I roll my eyes and move to the bar. I swear, 50% of all people here wouldn't show if there wasn't an open bar.

"Just a beer, please," I tell the bartender and he nods. I sit down on a bar stool and wait for my beer.

"Hi there, beautiful. Can I buy you a drink?" a voice from behind me asks. I turn around to tell whoever to fuck off, but I reconize his face.

"Hi, you know the drinks are free, right?"

He chuckles and sits down beside me.

"Did your hot brother bail you out yesterday?" I ask the guy, Jason I think his name is.

He grins. "Yeah, he did. You were with that blonde prude girl, right?" He waves the bartender over and orders a beer.

"She's not prude, she's just not fucked up." I shrug.

"Oh okay. I'm Jason McCann by the way." He reaches out his hand for me to shake, and I take it.

"Natalie Green."

"So, I didn't know you were working for The mask."

I raise my eyebrows. The bartender hands me my beer and I take a sip before asking. "Who?"

"The boss? We call him the mask because he won't show his face. He uses Liam as a mask."

I laugh. "Yeah he does. I thought I was the only one, but clearly I'm not."

Jason smiles.

"So do you want to get out of here. I have a bottle in my car and I know a place we can go."

I narrow my eyes at him. "I won't be your fuck buddy, if that's what you want."

"No, I want to get wasted."

I sigh. "Okay. Let's go then."

Danielle's POV

I try to call Nat for the 100th time but she still doesn't answer. I groan. Where the hell is she? Maybe she and that guy went back inside? I turn around to walk back when I almost get knocked over by someone.

"Shit, I'm sorry. Are you okay?" someone asks. I look up to tell the guy that I'm fine but I stop myself.

"Hey, it's you! Where's Natalie?" I ask angrily. He looks confused. "I saw you with her at the bar earlier, where is she?" He looks slightly familiar, I feel like we've met before.

"Um...I don't know your friend." He says. "Maybe it was my twin brother, Jason?" Suddenly I know where I've seen him.

"Oh it's you..."

"You said that already." He laughs. "My name is Justin."

"I'm sorry Justin, I saw you and your brother at the police station last night. I bailed my friend Natalie out. Tonight I saw her and your brother walk away together, and now she's not answering her phone. Do you know where they are?" I ask.

Justin shakes his head. "I was just looking for Jason. I don't know where he is but I think I know where he might be. You can come with me if you want?"

I nod. "Yeah, sure."


Hi rainbows, please vote and comment. Love you :)


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