“Give him some time.” I suggested.

She just cried into her pillow until she fell asleep. I was happy she hadn’t wanted to cut, she knew that would help nothing in this situation.

I got up and went to Zoey’s room when I was sure Rain was asleep. It was late so the girls where asleep already.

“How is she?” Zoey asked when I shut the door.

“Not great, did she tell you what happened?”

“Yeah. I assume she told you as well.” She sighed. “What did you say to Will?”

“I yelled at him for upsetting her and letting her leave. I may or may not have punched him.” I muttered.

“Xavier,” she groaned. “What good does that do?”

“Made me feel a bit better.” I sighed.

She smiled ruefully at me and shook her head.

“This is a pretty shitty time for this to happen considering she starts treatment on Monday.” I continued.

“Well there’s not much we can do about it but be there for her.”

“Do you think Will can forgive her?”

Zoey seemed to think for a minute before she answered me. “In time. I really hope he does otherwise he’ll never find a love like theirs.”


I woke up the next morning and checked my phone. I had hoped Will would try to text or call me but he hadn’t. I deserved that. Should I call him and try to talk? I wondered if he’d even answer.

Xavier told me last night to give him time but how long should I wait? I felt like I should wait until tomorrow just to let him think.

I didn’t deserve to cry over him not talking to me right now. I had hurt him and it was my fault.

I got dressed and went downstairs. It was near noon and I was surprised no one had woken me up. I never sleep that late.

“Good morning.” I said to David and Zoey who sat in the living room. The house was incredibly quiet. “Where is everyone?”

“Bethany is working, Sky is in her room and Xavier is taking Lily to a friend’s house.” Zoey told me. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” I gave them both a small smile.

I went into the kitchen and made myself a small lunch. I really didn’t feel like eating right now and no one was watching me. Something is still better than nothing, right?

“Xavier will drive you to the treatment center starting tomorrow.” David told me when I walked back out to he living room. “You are there Monday, Wednesday and Friday.”

I sighed. I had almost forgotten about that with everything else going on. “How long am I there?”

“Until 7.” He replied hesitantly.

“Four hours?” I exclaimed. What the hell was I going to do in four hours? I still had to keep up with my school work.

“They decrease you days and hours as you improve.” He hurried to say.

I took a deep breath and walked upstairs to my room. My thoughts were racing.

Treatment would be rough, I knew that but I still had no idea what to expect. What would they make me do? What would they do to me? I knew I’d have to talk but was I ready to?

On top of that, I’d have to balance my school work, worry about my father showing up, watch out for Sky and Lily, perform in the talent show and try to resolve things with Will.

Everything was overwhelming. How could I do all of it?

“Rainah?” Zoey knocked on my door.

“Come in.” I called.

She came and sat across from me on my bed.

“I have no idea what to expect in treatment.” I said, quietly. She would be able to give me an idea of what it’s like.

“A lot of group therapy.” She started. “The staff will be rough, they expect you to lie to them as most girls do.”

We talked for awhile. She told me that every place was different so she couldn’t tell me exactly what I’d go through. She told me not to lie at all during my physical.

Afterwards, I wasn’t as nervous about it.

Everyone was home by dinnertime. I had decided to talk to Will tomorrow during lunch.

Eating wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be tonight, that was probably because I didn’t eat much earlier.

Lily and I played Monopoly after dinner. But in the middle of the game, I heard someone come in the door.

Everyone was home but Lily and I were the only ones on the main level. The door could’ve been unlocked and I feared it was my dad.

I was overcome with an adrenaline rush, I stood in front of Lily and braced myself. I motioned for her to be silent.

Footsteps came closer to where we were and my hands shook from fear but I would do what had to be done to protect everyone.

“Hello?” Will called as he entered the living room and I relaxed slightly. Our eyes met and I noticed his left cheek was bruised. He took in my tense figure.

“Hi, Will!” Lily exclaimed, jumping up and running to give him a hug. She was oblivious to the tension between us.

“Hey.” He smiled and hugged her back.

Why was he here? What happened to his cheek? I forced myself to stand more casually.

“Lily!” I heard Zoey call from upstairs, she probably heard him come in. Lily skipped up the stairs.

“What happened to your cheek?” I blurted.

“Got into a fight.” He shrugged.

“About what?” I asked. That was really unlike him.

“You.” He said simply but in a tone that told me he wasn’t going to explain.

“Look, Will. I’m-“

“I don’t want to hear it now.” He interrupted me, his voice sharp and cold. I took a deep breath and walked around him but he grabbed my arm. “Not yet.”

He let me go and went downstairs.

That gave me a bit of hope that he’d eventually hear me out just not today.

I went to my room, changed and tossed and turned until I fell asleep.

sorry for the long wait, had a mini crisis but all is good. what did you think? was he to hard on her? xavier's reaction/pov?

thank you all for the continued support, messages, comments, votes and fanning!



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