Chapter 44: Nick

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"Come on, I know it's in here."

I said to myself as I dug through my Dad's dresser drawers looking for the drugs that I knew he hid there. Maya would be here soon and I wanted to get rid of it before she could find it herself.

Under a stack of boxer briefs, laid several little bags of white powder. For a regular drug user, you would think he would know not to hide his drugs in his underwear drawer. I flushed the bags of drugs down the toilet where they belong.

Grabbing an empty cardboard box, I began emptying his drawers putting aside things I could make money off of; his watches would be worth the most. I can't believe he didn't want to take any of this stuff. But I don't know why I'm surprised, he'll buy new stuff when he gets to Italy if he hasn't already. Hell, he might even have a jeweler and personal shopper waiting for him at the airport. It sounds like something he would do.

I stripped off my sweatshirt as I began to grow hot from all the moving and packing. I wiped the sweat from my forehead. I didn't realize he had so much shit. I stashed some stuff away from myself. I wondered how far away Maya was; knowing how Charlie is he wouldn't go in his carrier willingly.

Sam and Marcus volunteered to help with the moving process, as well. They were just as shocked as I was when they heard about my dad's sudden decision to move.

"He's doing what?" Sam asked slamming his locker shut. A confused wrinkle forming in between his bushy eyebrows.

"He's moving to Italy." I put my hand over my ear to try and stop the ringing. "Florence, to be exact." From what Martha told me his flight left this morning. I hate that we had to let her go, but with me selling the house, there wouldn't be much use for her. And I don't think Maya would like having housekeeper very much.

"Is he coming back for graduation?" Marcus asked. "Or Christmas, is he coming back then?" He ran his hand through his hair, he'd cut it recently and he wasn't quite used to it yet.

"Nope," I kept my voice neutral, but it still stung a little. "According to him, he's not coming back at all."

Sam's jaw dropped astonished."Dude, where are you going to go?"

"Maya and I are moving in together, or I'm moving in with her."

Sam and Marcus have both had a look of confusion on their faces since I broke the news about my dad to them, but it was nothing compared to the shock that appeared when I told them about me moving in with Maya.

"She likes you that much," Sam asked astonished.

"She loves me," I replied glaring at him.

"I think what he's trying to say is," Marcus started, cutting a glance at Sam. "that we didn't know you and Maya were that serious."

"Yeah--yeah I didn't mean anything by it," Sam rushed to add. "But I'm happy for you. Both of you."

"Thank you. It wasn't something we planned to do, it just made sense now that my dad's moving and I'm always there anyway." I'm sure it would have happened eventually. "We're excited about it."

Sam put his hand up in front of him like a shield of protection. "Serious question, does she know that you snore?"

"Hold him," I said to Marcus. Quickly Marcus grabbed Sam before he could escape down the hall. I landed quick but light blows to his abdomen, as not to cause him any actual harm. He tried to escape Marcus' grasp but he held tight onto him.

I had emptied all the drawers and moved some of his furniture to make way for more boxes when I heard the doorbell ring.

And then it rang again and again and again.

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