Chapter 4: Nick

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"Hey, bro, great party!" Some drunken guy said loudly a little too close to my ear. The party was in full swing, and I was feeling more comfortable about it than I was before it started.

"Thanks," I replied, over the noise in the kitchen. People piled around the table grabbing drinks. I had a few beer earlier but I stopped and grabbed a Red Bull instead. I didn't drink it for the taste anymore, or the energy, I just drunk it out of habit. Getting tired of the drunken slobs in the kitchen, I decided to go into the living room with the other drunken slobs.

I went into the living room, and I was immediately bombarded with people trying to talk to me.

"Hi, Nick," Sydney bounced up to me, a smile plastered on her pretty face. Don't get me wrong, Sydney was gorgeous. Nice body, long brown hair, but there's no substance there. We'd hooked up a few times since Crystal and I broke up, and it was a good time, but that's all it was, a good time.

"Hey, Sydney," I replied. "What's up?"

"Oh, nothing," she smiled, running her hands up my chest seductively. "Just hanging out. But maybe you could keep me company."

No thank you. "Uh, maybe."

From across the room, I spotted Crystal talking with some of the girls from the cheerleading squad. This is the first time I'd seen her since she broke up with me at the beginning of the summer. Her hair was little shorter, and she had a tan, but other than that she looked the same.

As if she sensed me looking at her, she turned in my direction. I waved awkwardly at her, it would be rude of me to ignore her.

She smiled waving back.

"I didn't know Crystal was back," Sydney said next to me. I had forgotten she was there.

"Are you two getting back together?"

"Nope," I answered shortly, before taking a swig of Red Bull. I didn't even taste it anymore, and it gave me no energy, but I drunk it anyway. Looking at everyone, dancing and talking in my living room, and I just didn't want to see them there. I didn't want to be around them, and I don't even know who half of them are.

"Hey, Sydney, can we talk later. I have to do something." Sad, I know, I couldn't even come up with an excuse to get out of my own party.

"Oh, okay," she responded. She placed her well-manicured hand on my arm, batting her fake lashes at me, "Maybe we can find somewhere more private next time."

Doubt it. "Yeah...sure."

I escaped Sydney's grasp, and tried to make my way upstairs without getting caught by anyone else. Luckily, the people that were around the stairs were too focused on finding someone to hook up with to pay me any attention. I made it to my room without much trouble, I just hoped no one was hooking up in there. It wouldn't be the first time.

Opening my bedroom door, I found that it wasn't empty like I hoped.

No one was having sex, thankfully, but Maya sat on my couch looking at something on her phone.

I don't know why but everytime I'm around her my tongue gets tied. Maybe it's her cool hair cut, or her intense brown eyes. She was hot, no doubt about that, but I've been around alot of hot girls, and none of them make me feel the way she does.

"Hey," I managed to choke out, once I was remembered how to speak again.

She set her phone to the side, "Hey."

Speak, Nick, speak. Move your lips to form words.

"Were you not enjoying the party?"

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