Chapter 26: Nick

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It is finished.

After a few hiccups with the paint, Troy recommended I go with a vinyl wrap instead to cut down on time, it was finally done. And I have to say, it is my best work.

I had restored the outside to what I assumed was its original condition, but the inside was completely different. There were no more cracked seats, they were now light yellow, because yellow is her favorite. And per her request, I got her a new radio with an aux port.

The drive is as smooth as it can be, I tested it myself. She's going to love it. I think she's going to have a hard time giving up the Mercedes, though. When I gave her the good news, I swear I saw the slightest pout when I said she didn't have to drive it anymore. But after she takes this for a drive I'm sure she won't want to anymore.

"I'll be there in five minutes," I told Maya over the phone. "Be outside."

"I will be," she replied. "I can't wait to see it." I'd kept it over at my place the last few days to keep everything a surprise.

"I'll see you in a little while."

"Yeah, see you--hey, Charlie, put that down! Dammit I just bought that charger," she grumbled. She huffed, frustrated. "I'll see you when you get here."

I stopped by a gas station before heading over to Maya's; it took me a little longer than expected since there was a few guys that stopped me to ask questions about the car. It filled me with pride to tell them that I had done it all myself.

Maya stood outside of her apartment bundled in a sweater and leather jacket. She wasn't paying any attention as she looked down at her phone.

I pulled into the parking spot directly in front of her gaining her attention. The look on her face made everything worth it. All the long nights, the hiccups with the paint, all the money spent, I'd do it all over again if it meant that I could see the shock and excitement on her face.

"Nick, this looks amazing!" she exclaimed as I got out of the car. Standing on her tiptoes, she wrapped her arms around me. There was no else in the parking lot, so she wasn't as uncomfortable embracing me." It doesn't even look like the same car. You didn't buy me a new car, did you?"

"No, ma'am, I did it all by hand." I kissed her soft lips, tasting her vanilla Chapstick.

She placed her cold fingers against my face. "You did so well, Nick. I am so proud of you."

I grinned. "Thank you, beautiful." I unwound my arms from around her waist. "Take a look at the inside."

She slapped my cheeks, smiling, "You don't have to tell me twice."

I steered her in the direction of the car, and began showing her the new interior and the new bells and whistles of her sound system, which she loved, just like I thought. She even let out a shriek of excitement, I've never seen her get that excited over anything she usually likes to keep her emotions under control.

"Do you want to go for a ride?" I asked sitting next to her in the passenger seat.

"Yes!" she ran her hands over the steering wheel. I began to buckle up expecting her to do the same. But instead she got out of the car and was headed for the stairs.

"Maya, where are you going? I thought we were going for a drive!" I called out the window.

"I'll be back! I forgot something inside!" She yelled before disappearing up the stairs. I rested my head against the headrest as I waited for her to come back. What could she have forgotten, her backpack is right here?

"She didn't," I exhaled as I watched Maya come down the steps with Charlie wrapped in a blanket in her arms.

"Don't look at me like that," she said slipping into the front seat.

I looked at her with raised brows. Charlie looked around excitedly, sniffing at the steering wheel. "You've officially turned into a crazy cat lady."

"Me? You bought him a Halloween costume." I like to think that it was a treat for all of us, but apparently not. "Besides shouldn't he enjoy this moment with us. My first ride in my almost new car, it's special."

I still looked at her like she was crazy. "I guess so."

She smiled, "Good, now hold him so he doesn't scratch up my new seats." I did what the crazy cat lady said and took him. Holding him wasn't easy he wanted to look around, but I kept a good grip on him.

After making a big show of turning on some music, we finally got on the road. There wasn't any specific place we wanted to go or anywhere we had to be, so we drove down different neighborhoods talking and enjoying each other's company.

"Look at that house," Maya said as we drove through some random neighborhood. They were older homes, and they all looked like they came out of a Halloween movie, that's probably why she liked them so much. The house was tall with many windows, and a large front porch. It had a big front yard with a white fence surrounding it.

"Isn't it gorgeous?" Maya asked as she stared up at the white house.

"It is nice," I agreed. I wondered what it looked like on the inside. "Looks like they're selling it." There was a red and white for sale sign stuck in the front lawn.

Maya scoffed. "Who would want to sell such a sweet house? If I had a house like that I would never sell it."

She rolled closer to it, driving slowly down the street. Getting a closer look, I could see the age on the house. And it didn't look like anyone had lived there in a long time, there was brown paper covering the windows and the garden in the front yard was overflowing with weeds.

"Maybe you could buy it."

She laughed loudly, "Yeah, sure maybe ten years from now. If it's even still for sale then."

"Who knows maybe it will be," I said optimistically.

"Here's to hoping," she said driving past. Charlie had fallen asleep in my lap once he realized that I wasn't going to let him explore.

"Don't you just love him," she said looking at him fondly as we sat at a stop sign.

"Not as much as I love you," I thought.


"Nick?" Maya looked at me concerned. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah--yeah, I'm fine," I said looking away. "I just spaced out, I'm sorry."

"Okay," her brows furrowed with concern. "Do you want to get ice cream?"

I nodded, still trying to process my love for her.

I've never thought about that before. I mean, it makes sense. When I look at her I feel like my chest is going to crack open from being so happy, is that love? I didn't think there was a word that could describe what I feel for her. I loved Crystal, but it didn't feel like this.

I looked at her as she drove and talked about ice cream. I already adore her, loving her can't be much different.

"I think I want cookies and cream today, usually I would get Rocky Road," she chatted aimlessly. "What flavor are you going to get?"

"Vanilla, probably," I replied my mind drifting back to the present.

She peered over at me. "I knew you were going to say that."

I brought our joined hands to lips, placing a kiss on the back of her hand. "You know me so well." And I love that about you.

"Isn't that why you stay around?" she smiled.

"That and everything else about you," I replied honestly.

She smirked at me, "Well, aren't you the sweetest?"

Only for you.

I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. I can't wait to read your comments.

Check out my other stories: East Chapel Academy, Cole & Jamie, and Camp Greenwood

Follow me on insta: readingwithjr

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