"3 minutes," Alana warns.

"Hey Ev, can you move a bit?" I ask softly.

He abruptly gets off my lap. "Sorry!"

"No no, you're fine," I correct. I adjust my sitting position and pat the floor to the left. "Sit."

Evan rushes over and sits next to me.

I hook an arm across his neck. Evan respond by holding my hand with his left one.


"2 minutes."

"So, Zo, when are you going to ask them out?" I ask,  giving a smirk.

She glares at me. "Can you stop?"

"Nope," I reply cheerfully.

She rolls her eyes. "Of course."

"Stalling isn't going to help, Zoe," Alana says. "You have one minute to ask your crush out..."

"I know, I know," Zoe says, exasperated.

Connor shifts. "You know that you have to do it sooner or later..."

"10 seconds left!"

Zoe gets up. She looks incredibly nervous. "Um... well...uh..."

Alana starts to count down. "10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3-"

"Alanawillyougooutwithme," Zoe blurts.

The whole room is stunned.

Alana seems like she's having trouble processing. She blinks a few times before gesturing to herself.  "Um... me?"

Zoe nods, blushing.

"Wait, really?"


"Is this a dream?"

Zoe's face falls. "No... it isn't... sorry.."

"Are you kidding? Wait, this is actually real?!"

Connor nods, slowly.

"Oh my gosh, yES!!!" Alana squeals, hugging Zoe.

"What just happened?" Zoe asks.

"You just got a girlfriend!" Alana smiles.

Zoe breaks into a grin.

Connor, Jared, and I clap as they hold hands and bow.

Next, they take a seat, still holding hands.

"Aww, now I'm the only single person here," Jared jokes.

We all laugh.

Minutes fly by and we find that's it's already 9pm.

"Guys, we should go, " Alana suggests, "We have school tomorrow."

Everyone groans.

"But it's still so early," Connor whines.

Alana rolls her eyes.  "Not everyone stays up to, like, 3am every night like you do."

"My feelings!" Connor gasps, clutching his chest.

Zoe snorts.  "You have no soul, so what feelings are you talking about?"

Connor coughs. "Agg, I'm hurt!"

I smile and place my hand on his.  "Umm, soulless or not,  I... I still love you."

Connor blushes and hides his face.

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