Chapter 21

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A/n: ok... Can I just say thank you guys, so, so, much!!!! This book somehow had over 2.6k reads, 200+ votes, and SOMEHOW HAS RANKED #3TREEBROS?!!!!!! thank you guys a ton, and it actually makes me smile when I read your comments. I love you all!!

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Connor's POV:
I had my pillow on my face.
I wasn't tired or anything, just a little bored.

Okay, maybe not a little.

17 packs which each contained 12 sharpened colour pencils, were sprawled across the floor.

I should've been doing my homework, but oh well.

I'll probably have to clean that up later.

But what's worse is that I couldn't sleep. I had 7 more hours until Evan would hopefully visit again.

Now that I think about it... What were Evan and I? We kissed multiple times already, traded "I love you"s, cuddled, but that's basically it...

Are we even dating?

I let out a frustrated groan and ruffled my hair.

Why is everything so confusing?

I pulled out my phone and decide to send a text to Evan.

Cthemessimake: hey facetime me at lunch ok

Then I closed my phone, because it was only 40 minutes since the first class started.

After an hour of random scrolling through YouTube®, I find myself on the floor, struggling for balance while attempting the "feathered peacock pose" where you're doing a handstand except on your forearms instead of your hands.

Yes, I'm doing yoga. And although I hate to admit it, it's not too bad.

I found that my body can bend in weird ways.

Maybe I can creep Jared or Zoe out.

After another hour of yoga, I take a 2-hour nap.

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing.

I take my phone and lie on my stomach, the screen towards me.

I answer... A call??

I can't tell because I just woke up.

"Hey," I mumble.

"Connor, um, I... You... I think you should put on a shirt," an adorable voice stammers.

My eyes shoot open.

F*ck, a facetime?!

I scramble to out on a shirt and get back to Evan.

"Better?" I ask.

"Better," he confirms, blushing.

"Why did you facetime me?"

Evan looks confused. "You.. You told me to."

Now it's my turn to be confused. "What? I did? I don't remember..." Then I recall my text. "Nevermind, I did, sorry, I'm stupid," I laugh.

Evan laughs. "No you aren't!"

"How do you know?" I smirk.

Evan rolls his eyes, smiling. "You're an idiot."

"But I'm your idiot," I tease.

"I! ... Um.. I.. Yeah," he mumbles, turning red.

I blush. "Uh, you're at lunch, right?"

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