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Warning: homophobic slurs, vomiting, suicide (attempt, or maybe not... let's see)

Connor's pov
I quietly open the door and slip off my shoes. Eyeing the stairs, I tiptoe over.

"Connor." Zoe states, annoyed.

I freeze and turn to face her. "Zoe." I says with the same tone. For some reason, I found that hilarious and I try not to smile. So to not smile I turn that smile upside down.

"Eww, what the heck, Connor?!" Zoe exclaims, "What ugly face is that?!"

I scowl. "I call it the 'Zoe Face', thank you very mu-"

"Connor!" Larry says as he slams his hand on the kitchen table.

I flinch at the sound and hesitantly look at him.

Larry glares at me. His gaze was as cold as ice. "That is not how you talk to your sister!"

I can feel my rage boiling inside of me, but I contain it to try to prevent more consequences. I nod quickly.

"What do you say?" Larry snaps.

"I'm sorry, sir," I mumble.

Larry huffs. "Good."

I clench my fists. It wasn't fair! So Zoe could say all that stuff about me, but I can't say that to her?! Of course my parents pick her side. She's the perfect child. Every one knows.

"Screw you," I mutter directed at Larry.

"Excuse me?!" Larry yells

I tense up. "Nothing, nevermind."

Larry laughs angrily. "I heard you, Connor."

I avert my eyes, casting them on the floor.

"So where have you been?" Larry questions sharply.

"At a friend's house," I reply.

"You have no friends," Larry scoffs, "even I know that."

"Yes I do," I defend.


"No, you don't. You were probably having sex with some guy at his house," Larry sneers. "I never raised my son to be a fag."


Tears sting the corner of my eyes. "I really was at a friend's house, and we aren't romantically involv-"

"OUT!" Larry screams. "Go up to your room, now! You won't be having dinner tonight!"

I scramble up to my room, but I overhear my parent's conversation.

"Larry, he needs to eat."

"He can survive a day."

"Don't you think it's a bit too harsh?"

"This is what people like him deserve."

I couldn't bear to hear more. I lay on my bed, curling up in the blankets to muffle everything.

I blink back oncoming tears. What did I do to deserve this? Then again, I've been a terrible person. I make everything worse.

"Connor?" A hesitant voice calls from outside my room. Zoe.

"Go away," I snap.

"Fine then," Zoe retorts.


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