chapter 19

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Tw: um... Depressing thoughts? (I'll put warnings in the chapter and a summary after)

Evan's POV
My heart was a mess. It beat erratically, thumping against the walls. I was extremely flustered and embarrassed.

Connor had kissed me!

I let out a squeal before clamping a hand over my mouth and seeing if anyone heard.

Then I remember that Connor had misunderstood me and was currently upset.

I race down the halls, desperate to find him.

Half an hour passed when I finally find him. He's reading a poster.

"Connor!" I call.

His head whips around and I saw a flash of fear in his eyes before it dissolves to anger.

"What the f*ck do you want, Evan?" He hisses.

My heart pounds. "I... I just- Like, I wanted to.. Um.. Let you know that-"

"I already know you don't f*cking like me!" He seeths.

"That's not-! I didn't mean-"

I hear an impact and my left cheek stings. I bring a hand to my cheek.

Was I.... Slapped?

I look to see Connor standing there with his hand frozen in mid-air.

He seems horrified of what he just did.

"Evan, I'm so sorry- I...," Connor starts, before shaking his head. "Why do I keep messing everything up?" He laughs painfully before taking off running.

"Connor, wait!" I cry, running after him.

He ignores my plea.

He disappears around the corner. When I turn, he is nowhere to be found.
This frightens me, because I know that this isn't a good time for Connor to be alone. He was injured, and upset.

I ask nearby people if they had seen Connor, and they don't know or they haven't. For the next half hour, I keep asking and searching for him.

Defeated, I trudge back to Connors hospital room, only to find that i can't open the door.

It definitely wasn't locked, because I could to turn the handle. Did that mean something was pushing the door closed?

"Connor," I ask, "Are you... Is that you?"

On the side, I hear sniffling.

He's crying.

"Connor,  can you open the door, please," I beg.

No answer.

"Connor, just- please!"

"Leave me alone."

I scowl.

Fine! I spent an hour trying to find him, and this is the respect I get?

I turn and stomp away.

Before I'm five feet away, a gutteral scream pierces my heart.

"Don't leave me alone!" He cries.

Any distaste I had for him immediately vanishes as I run into the room.

Connor is curled up into a small ball on the floor. His hair is disheveled and he was hugging his legs, almost protectively.

I instantly rush to his side. "Connor, I'm right here," I soothe, sitting down next to him.

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