chapter 10

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Last chapter summary: they wake up, Connor thinks they have school as wakes Evan up. Then Evan suggested they talk for two hours but then takes it back. Connor thinks Evan is pretending to be his friend and that Evan doesn't actually want to talk to him because of Connor's reputation. This leads to Connor going to the bathroom and cutting. Then he comes out and both apologized and Evan noticed the scars and told Connor that he could tell him anything he wanted. Evan bandages Connors arms and then they both go downstairs. Heidi makes pancakes and then a person comes in saying, "'Sup, Tree Child!"
Evans pov
Jared struts in like he was on a runway. "Check out my breakfast! This thing's made with honey!" He brags, raising a golden colored bath bomb in the air.

"Th-That's really cool, Jared," I comment.

Connor narrows his eyes. "F*king Kinky Kleinman is back," he mutters.

Jared bows dramatically. "Thank you, kind sirs, thank you!"

Connor rolls his eyes.

"Jared, why don't you join us for pancakes," Mom suggests.

"Thank you, Heidi," Jared says, "I'll be glad to!"

Mom calls everyone too the kitchen to eat pancakes. On our table, there were four plates with four stacked pancakes on each plate.

Mom points to the syrup and butter. "Feel free to use those," she informs.

We nod. Mom apparently has finished her plate. She gets up. "Evan, I'm off to work. I switched with a friend." She grabs my face and kisses my forehead. "Love you, sweetie! Bye!" She calls as she walks out the door.

"Mommy's boy," Jared teases.

I ignore him.

For the next few minutes, we eat in silence. Then Jared takes one of Connor's pancakes and shoves in into my mouth. I immediately stop chewing.

"You little dip sh- that was MY pancake!" Connor cries, standing up.

Jared shrugs. "I bet a dollar it's too late now!"

Connor glares at Jared before cupping my face gently with one hand and using the other to pull the pancake out. He then let's go of my face and drops the pancake into his mouth.

Then he sits back down. "Ya owe me a dollar," he munches.

Jared scrunched his nose. "Gross, dude! You guys... like, indirectly French kissed!"

Connor almost choked on his pancake.

I blush. Oh deer Jared did NOT say that!

Jared: Hey Connor, this is me asking for Evan."

"Sure." Connor swallows.

"No homo for Evan, right?" Jared asks.

Connor raises an eyebrow. "All  the homo." He states.

Jared smirks and his eyebrows shoot up. "Ohhoho!" He laughs.

I cover my face with my hands. "Shut up Jared!!" 

We continue eating in silence. Haha... Awkward....

"Um, a-are there any clubs you guys are... um.. wanting to join?" I squeak.

"Yeah, the Bath Bombs Eating Club!" Jared announces.

I look over in surprise. "There's actually other people who do that?"  I ask incredulous.

"No, Hansen," Connor scoffs, "Use your brain."

I look down at my hands. "R-Right sorry."

Connor sighs. "Ok, I didn't mean that to be mean."

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