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When the guys left, Luna took the seat next to her friend.

"So what now?" The older asked as Athena looked out towards nothing in particular.

"What do you mean?" She replied. Her voice was soft, barley a whisper.

"About this? About the boys? Are you going to tell them? About Jackson? What is going on between the two of you? Are you going to be ok?" Luna started to ramble on.

The younger had to take a second to unscramble the questions that she was given. But when she did, her mind came up empty handed.

"I, honestly... don't know. But I'm not going to tell them. About Lane I mean. I feel like that would make it worse. I am going to get through this and then forget. About the group chat, the guys, and Jackson. I think it is for the better. "

Luna looked her in the eyes with a straight face. "Yeah... but are you ok?"

Athena gave her a small smile, " I will be. I just need some fresh air." She said as she stood up. "What do you want for dinner, I'll be cooking. I need some comfort food."

Luna chuckled, "Then how about the usual? Do you want me to go with you?"

"Its fine. Plus, you have your first session in like, 30 minutes." The younger told her.

The older looked at her with a blank expression, until she came to her sense. "I can't believe I forgot?! I have to get ready!!" She yelled as she ran to their room.

Athena sighed as she left, "Well it looks like it's off to the market for me."

Athena opened the door with the key card that she and Luna received from Mai.

"I'm back!" She yelled into the apartment. However, was no answer.

"I guess everyone is downstairs." She told herself as she put down her heavy bags on the marble counter.

She pulled out the work phone she had gotten and typed in Luna's number. She figured to not put put in the guys number's since, theoretically, she hasn't gotten them.

The girl took a quick second to catch her breath, tied back her long hair into a bun, and proceeded to grab the first of the ingredients.

It was time to get cooking.


After an hour or so, the girl had finally finished, made her plate and exhaustedly sat down to finally eat.

"There is no better creation then food." she sighed to herself as she looked at the glorious plate in front of her. "Chilean salad, Mexican rice, and Peruvian Antichuchos (meat shiahcabob). No combination brings me more comfort."

She smiled at her efforts as she started to dig in. "Hmmm, needs a drink. Iced tea? Yeah, Iced tea." Athena talked to her self before getting up to make some iced tea.

"WE ARE BACK!" Bambam yelled as he opened the door.

"And exhausted." Yugyeom added.

"You think your exhausted? I'm the one who has to cook now." Jinyoung remark.

"Everyone get out the way. MUST. HAVE. ATHENA'S. COOKING." Luna interrupted as she ran past all of them to the kitchen towards the food.

She looked at the younger's plate and then towards her. Who had a terrified face as she drank her tea. "Fine, yes you can have that. I have more anyways."

At this the older, at lighting speed, took a spoonful of food and melted. "My dear Athena, God gave you a gift."

The younger chuckled as she made her self a plate and sat next to her.

"So... what's going on over here?" Mark asked as Luna started to clam down. He was also slightly terrified.

"Food. I made some, a lot actually. If you want you guys can grab a plate and have some." Athena said as she pointed to the three giant bowls of food.

"I don't have to cook..." Jinyoung told him self, then the realization hit him. " EVERYONE STEP ASIDE I CALL FIRST DIBS!!!"


"God gave you a gift." Youngjae replied.

"That's what I said!" Luna laughed.

"That was great. Thank you for the nice surprise." Jinyoung thanked her.

"It's no problem. I love cooking" The girl replied.

"I should bring you back to my mother." Jackson remarked, in a daze.

JB flicked his forehead. "Don't listen to him, he has food coma. Anyways how did you learn to cook like that?"

"YouTube?" Athena asked.




"Here I'll explain." Luna jumped in. " We are roommates and we decided to split the chore load. "and I can't cook."

"And I hate cleaning." Athena added.

"And thus a master chef was born." The older told them.

"I-" The guys we're pretty much speechless.

"Speaking of which, Luna, you have to do the dishes. I'm gonna go take a shower." Athena replied.

"Yeah, yeah, I got it." The older said as she grabbed the plates and went to the sink.

"Here let me help." Jinyoung and JB said in unison.

The girl smiled. "The more the marrier."

Mark smirked towards Youngjae. "Get your ships ready sunshine. We are about to set sail."

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