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After a good three hours of Luna talking to Jinyoung the two decided to return both phones to Jackson and Athena.

The two were now talk casually talking and Athena flopped onto her bed.

"My phone is almost dead they talked for so long." Jackson whined

"Well Isn't that good, not the phone, but them. I haven't seen Luna like that in a while." The girl responded playing around with her hair.

"Like what?Happy?" He asked a little confused.

"Yeah, it's a long story but-" She confesed, now just starring at the ceiling.

"I get it, it's ok, you don't trust me enough." He said entering his room with a slight frown.

"Jackson..." She hated the sound of saddeness in his voice. "I trust you. I might not know what you look like, or might not know much other then your name but. I trust." The girl felt warmth in her chest as she said these words.

The boy started to widely smile as Lane started her story again. "Mo, was in her first serious relationship. The first one that went past I love you. It lasted for 2 years and that night she found him in her office making out with some other girl." She couldn't imagen how heartbreaking it was for Lunsa "She was, is, different now."

"Wow. Lane it sounds like she is going through stuff. You can't just expect her to be the same." He told taking it all in.

She actually trusted him.

It started to make him think.

"I know. But I hate seeing her like this. I'm supposed to help her and I can't do anything." She answered. Closing her eyes in resentment.

He did the same.

"You can't blame your self. A friend is someone who someone you can lean on openly, and honestly. Just be there for her." He told her taking in his own words.

"I know, but she has been so distant lately I didn't know what to do until she started talking to Jinyoung." She now smiled rembering her friend's happy face.

"Lane." His eyes were open. He knew what he was gonna do was stupid and was gonna crash and burn. But he couldn't keep lying to her, not when he cared this much about her. "There is something I have to tell you, about my lifestyle, about me."

"Ok?" She didn't know what to expect. However, she was still curious.

"I-" Jackson was cut off by a blood curdling scream from the kitchen.

It was Luna.

"Jackson I have to go!" With that she hung up the phone and rushed to the kitchen.

The boy sat there in his room trying to comprehend what just happened. He was about to tell her and then-.

It hand been a long day for him. So the boy picked him self up and dragged his feet to bed.

A few more days couldn't hurt.

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