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Athena started sprinting out of her room towards the kitchen.

"Luna are you ok? What happened? I'M CALLING 911!!" The younger panicked while simultaneously noticing how out of shape she was.

However when she looked upon the older she noticed her squealing and jumping up and down. Oh no.

She was fangirling.

"Athena! We just got a new job!" Luna yelled out. She was doing her very best to keep it all in.

"Ok? So why are you so excited?" Athena was about to turn around and call Jackson when-

"We are both going. They are paying us double and-" Luna was Inturupted by the younger squealing.

"We are both going and they are paying us double?!" She started doing a little dance.

"And we are staying with GOT7!!!! WE ARE GOING TO SOUTH KOREA!!!!" The older couldn't keep it in any longer as she started to go in a frenzy. "SO PACK YOUR BAGS ATHENA LANE BECAUSE WE LEAVE IN FIVE DAYS!!!"


Athena looked out the cab window, then down at her phone, and then out the window again. She was happily smiling thinking about Jackson.

She didn't know how or why now, but she had been starting to feel something for him. It was strange and new, but she loved it.She felt safe in the little bubble of their conversations.

She felt safe with him.

"Can't we go a little faster?" Luna quietly asked. She seemed worried.

"Luna, it's ok. We will get there eventually your boy band can wait." Athena answered her, fanning it off. She was in no rush.

The older huffed as she crossed arms "Its not just that. These are our first big clients and our flight leaves in an hour. Don't you think we are cutting too close?" She questioned the younger, who she noticed was bubbly smiling at her phone. "So are you going to meet him?"

"What? Who? How?" The younger was caught off guard and her cheaks started to turn pink.

"Now, now, A I'm not an idiot. Are you going to meet him?" Luna asked her once more with a smirk.

"Being honest I don't even know If he wants to meet me." She shyly retorted.

The cab came to a stop. The girls paid the driver, grabbed their bags, and were off.

The two didn't talk much, seeing they were in such a rush, until they made it to their gate.

Athena had her head down trying to keep away her negative thoughts. Luna, on the other hand, found it funny how clueless she was being. "Athena, of course the guy who has called you everyday for the past few months wants to talk to you." She told her.

Athena looked at her with wide eyes for a split second before realizing what she had said. The girl immediately returned to her naturally spunky behavior.

"Ugh I'm so bad at this type of thing." The younger answered with a sigh. "I seriously have no idea what I would do without you, Luna?"

"Not your love life that's for sure." The older told her laughing and soon Athena joined in.

The younger's laughter only started to die down when she noticed Luna taking a sip from the glass tea bottle.
However, she didn't say anything. She knew now that, that was Luna's thing to sort out. The best she could do for her friend was be there for her when she needed it.

Soon after the girls were called to board the plane and in no time flat they were comfortably sitting in their seats, waiting for the plane to take off.

That is when Athena Lane had the idea to kill time, by seeing what the group chat was up to.

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