Chapter 7

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You had gotten a text message from namjoon, saying he is a few minutes away from your house. So you decided to sit outside and wait for him to show up, while you waited you decided to water the flowers. Your grandfather had called last night asking you to water the flowers for him. Soon you heard a sound of a car pulling up and stopping. You turned off the water hose and looked up, to see a driver getting out of the car.

Driver " hello ms y/n "

Y/n " umm hello to you as well "

Driver " mr namjoon is waiting the limo for you "

Y/n " ok " you put away the water hose and walked over to the limo. The driver open the door for you and soon you stepped inside. You saw namjoon put two mints in his mouth quickly.

Namjoon " good morning "

Y/n " good morning "

Namjoon " here sit next to me "

Y/n " sure "once you had taken a sit the driver closed the door quickly and soon got into the driver seat.

Y/n " thanks you for picking up "

Namjoon " anytime y/n that what friends are for "

Y/n " park-Jin texted me last night, he said you offered him something for my grandfather house"

Namjoon "well he was looking for this guy, that cheat him out of good deal so I told him what he need to know "

Y/n " oh well that was nice of you "

Namjoon " yep I'm even treat my rivals with kindness, soon they become my new friends "after a few minutes you guys arrived at school. Once you got out of the limo with namjoon a crowd of people started looking at you, some with hate in their eyes. The look in their eyes made you feel a bit uncomfortable but soon you felt someone hug you from behind, you soon saw Kim come in front of you.

Y/n " don't scare me like that "

Kim "sorry, oh hell namjoon "

Namjoon " hi Kim "

Kim "hey y/n we have to get to homeroom early, the teacher had given us the task to set up the textbooks "

Y/n " sure well bye for now namjoon "

Namjoon " bye see you both around " you and Kim walked away from namjoon and into the school building, soon enough Kim pulled you into a empty hallway.

Y/n "Kim we have to get to homeroom "

Kim "no I made that up to talk to you about, the date you are going to have for namjoon "

Y/n "ok go ahead "

Kim "so I heard namjoon is taking you a popular new restaurant my aunt owns "

Y/n " wow "

Kim " he also is taking you on horse carriage ride, around the city garden after "

Y/n " wow I juts thought it was going to be a casual date "

Kim " nope because you are going on a date with the most rich and handsome guy in our school "

Y/n "so "

Kim "well he has to show you what he can do, to make a girl he likes fall for him "

Y/n "what namjoon like me it just a date, it don't like we are going to start going out after that "

Kim "it maybe could happen, oh come on y/n can't you see what I see "

Y/n " what that ? "

Kim "the new cute power couple of our school, you and namjoon will be so cute together "

Y/n " I can maybe see that, i don't know "

Kim " well maybe we can make that come true "

Y/n " we can try " soon the school bell rang you and Kim headed off to science class, you passed by Sara and saw her looking at you. She looked pissed of because she heard of namjoon and you coming to school together and hanging out over the weekend.

Sara " oh look the pig finally caught a blind men "

Kim " shut up Sara"

Sara " whatever Kim I feel bad for namjoon for being with a girl like you, he could be with anyone but he chooses you "

Y/n " leave me alone Sara, I have better things to do then dealing with you "

Sara "........" Sara walked away quickly with her friends, soon enough you and Kim got to class on time. You saw namjoon siting down at a table. Once namjoon had saw you enter the classroom he began to smile at you, making you smile back at him. You took a sit in the desk the was next to namjoon while Kim sat behind you with a smirk in her face, soon the teacher start on with her lesson of the day.

Teacher " well we are going to began to new project in pairs, you all will have to take care of three flowers and in different ways "

Student " do we get to pick the groups "

Teacher " sorry I already have picked them "

Students " no "

Teacher " ok here the pairs..... namjoon and y/n " once the teacher said your name with namjoon you heart began to beat fast. You looked at namjoon to see his reaction of a kid on Christmas morning, well everyone else seemed to be happy for their groups while others hated it. Kim was in a pair with some girl that was very smart and nice, so it seemed like Kim was going to be fine. After a half an hour class was over you and Kim decided to head off to the library to get some studying over with, when you heard someone calling you name making you stop and turn around. You saw namjoon ran to you over to you, soon namjoon caught up to you and Kim.

Namjoon " hey y/n will it be fine for us, to meet after school to work on the project "

Y/n " sure will you love to come over to my place "

Namjoon " sure I feel bad always come over to yours , but you see my mother always go overboard when I have friends come over "

Y/n "it ok I love have you over and talking with you "

Namjoon "really ?"

Y/n " yeah you have become one of my best friends along with Kim "

Namjoon " thanks y/n , well I have to be getting back to the guys now see you "

Y/n " yeah see you later " Namiko turned around and walked off and soon disappeared in the crowd of people.

Kim " well it seems likes you and namjoon are friends on whole different level "

Y/n " no .... I don't know .... can we just get to the library "

Kim " fine but I will not give up just yet "

Y/n " good for me "

Well the the end of chapter seven I hope you all like or love it. If there are any questions please comment below and I will answer them.

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