"If you dont mind Jeremiah, I'm going to head back home, you're welcome to come with, although I understand if youd rather stay here" Bruce said from the doorway with a smile.

I looked up at him and smiled back.
"No I would love to come along, get out for a bit for once, just let me grab my jacket and shoes and well head out"

I grabbed my jacket and put it on, slipped my feet into my shoes at the same time and stood ready in the doorway to the small maze like hallway leading to the outside.

The mazes were meant to confuse Jerome if he were to ever penetrate the entrance. Him or anyone else out to kill in Gotham.

We drove in silence to Wayne Manor. Bruce greeted alfred cheerfully who welcomed me with a handshake and offered to take my jacket.

"Could I get either of you a cup of tea"
"Yes, thank you alfred, two scoops of sugar no milk like always. Jeremiah tea?" Bruce asked.
"None for me thank you, lovely home"
"Let me give you the grand tour then, come on"

Bruce started off down the hallway, me right behind him when alfred stopped me.
"That boy means the world to me, he has lit up ever since he met you, I havent seen him this happy since his 9th birthday party when his dad surprised him with plane tickets to disneyworld. Do you understand what that means Jeremiah?"

Confused I shook my head.

"It means if anything happens to that boy because of you, I'll kill you. Your brother destroyed his poor heart and nearly got him killed. He fancies you, I can see it in his eyes, dont you dare harm him in any way or so help me I will personally end your life" alfred smiled and took a step back "have fun exploring the house. Dont get lost"

I cleared my throat and faked a smile and followed Bruce down the hallway. Half of what he was saying going in one ear and out the other.

"Oh and this was from mom, she gave it to dad when they first got married. I personally dont think it's all that great but she spent almost 4 million dollars on it, so I guess its special or whatever" Bruce laughed.
"What? Oh yeah what even is that" I tried to pay attention.

"Oh you've got to see this. I have an entire library filled with all sorts of cool books. You'll love it" Bruce grabbed my hand excitedly and rushes me down the hall to the library. He pushed open two magnificent oak doors. Each door was at least 50 pounds at the very minimum. When I walked in I felt my heart skip a beat. Shelves upon shelves reaching all the way to the ceiling. All organized in alphabetical order,fiction, history, science, romance, drama, everything you could think of was here. Bruce was right I love it in here.

"You can read any book youd like, even have a few if you want  they just sit here and collect dust. Im sure you could get lost in here with all the reading you do" Bruce smiled.

"Bruce" I looked at him "thank you, this is all too sweet of you"
"Dont be silly Jeremiah, what are friends for"
"This I suppose" I joked.

We spent hours looking through the different categories and making up a game as we went. We would close our eyes and spin three times and point. The book our finger was pointing to we would have to take the title and make up a small rhyme or story if a rhyme wasnt possible. Nine out of ten times they turned into puns rather then rhymes but we let it slide because they were funny. Sometimes offensive, sometimes sexual. I dont remeber the last time I felt I had a true friend.

Growing up I never really had a true friend. My aunts and uncles treated us like shit and our mother was too busy being drunk and having sex with anything that moved.

"This has been lovely Bruce, I should be getting back to work. I have a deadline"
"Deadline? But you're the one who's working on them, it's all you"
"Yes true, but if I dont set deadlines for myself I ignore my work and I start a million projects and nothing ever gets done"

Bruce laughed "alright. I'll drive you home"
"Dont worry about it Bruce, I'll get a taxi. I'll text you when I get there to let you know I made it safely" I teased.
"Its only a twenty minute drive Jeremiah what could possible happen"
"All sorts of things"

Bruce walked me to the front door and waited with me until my taxi got there.
"Thank you so much for coming. Please come again I had a blast. Since I stayed over at your place, come again and stay over"

"I'll consider it"
I went to get in the taxi
"Jeremiah wait"
Bruce walked over to me and looked me in the eyes.
"I" he stopped and looked down and took a deep breathe. Confused I looked at him.
"What's up Bruce"
"I was truly happy today, I just wanted to thank you"
"That's what friends are for, right Bruce" I smiled
"Yeah" Bruce smiled "when you're done with work you wanna come over for dinner? I'd love to show you my cooking"
"Sure, why not"
"7:30?" Bruce asked
"Sounda good, it's a date" I joked.

Bruce smiled and winked. I felt my cheeks turn red. I got in the car and looked back to see Bruce waving. Alfred said he fancied me, and you know, I might fancy him back.

Psychotically In Love: The Villain and a Hero Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt