The loud music and the conversations of the people below became louder when the door was opened all the way. Ashton wasn't kidding when he said everyone comes to these types of parties.

"Uh, Ash- he-uh, wanted to make sure you're doing okay."

Calum's eyes raked over her figure as she stood up from the bed. The heat returned to her cheeks as she took noticed, she tried to distract herself by rubbing her hands down her pants.

"I think so," Scarlett answered, looking at the mirror once last time.

She looked back at Calum who rubbed his hands over his face before turning his attention back to her. He bobbed his head out the door, "You good to go?"

Scarlett nodded and glanced down to her body, "Can I ask you a question?"

Calum stopped in his tracks and turned back around to face her, "Shoot."

Scarlett let her arms fall beside her waist, "Do I look okay?"

Calum turned all the way around and his eyes scanned her again and her stomach started to do flips. There was no doubts that Calum was attractive and just thinking of him made her stomach do flips.

"Can I be honest?" Calum asked, his lips tugging up a little bit, "You look gorgeous."

It was dumb, but having Calum say that made some weight lift off her shoulders. He held out his hand and Scarlett grabbed a hold of it. He lead them downstairs to where there were massive amounts of people. Almost everyone had a drink in their hand and almost everyone was dancing in some type of way.

Calum greeted some people on the way downstairs and Scarlett received short glances and small smiles. She held on to Calum's hand until they reached the bottom of the stairs. Although she tried to jerk her hand away a couple times, he held on to it.

"Let's find everyone else first," Calum yelled over the music, and Scarlett nodded, she stopped pulling her hand away.

Calum brought her to the kitchen where it was less crowded compared to the living room. A few people were leaned against the counters talking and taking sips out of their cups. Calum stopped her in front a large collection of liquor bottles that she helped Ashton setup. There were also several cans of beer stacked in the fridge waiting to be taken.

Calum let go of her hand and reached over to get the tall vodka bottle and the Coca-Cola litter bottle. He also grabbed a red solo cup and went to work on mixing.

He looked over his shoulder to make sure she was still there as he yelled over the music, "As you can tell, I'm the king of mixing."

Scarlett laughed at his statement as she took the cup that was handed to her. She took a sip and immediately shuddered as the vodka went down her throat.

"I think you're flattering yourself on that one," Scarlett coughed out as she put the cup down at the counter,

"Hey!" Calum warned jokingly, pouring his own drink and taking a drink of it.

Although the drink was borderline God-awful, she still took sips to satisfy Calum. Scarlett and Calum had a small conversation, he talked about his love of futbol, and she related with her love with her volleyball.

Calum talked about his youngest sister, Mali-Koa, and how sometimes she acts like his older sister. Scarlett talked about Nicole and how she acts like she's twelve.

Conversations like that lasted for several minutes and they already refilled their cups. She hated it, but she went with Calum's mixed drink again.

Scarlett felt an arm wrap around her shoulders and her body tensed before she recognized Ashton's gleaming face. It was 20 minutes that the party had started and Ashton had already broke out into a sweat. Scarlett pealed his arm off her shoulder.

"Gross, Ash," She grimaced, stepping away and standing near Calum instead.

Ashton rolled his eyes, and his eyes widened once he took ahold of Scarlett's whole figure.

"Is that what those two whole hours upstairs went to?" Ashton remarked, and Scarlett reached over and the slapped the side of his head.

"It was not two hours," She scoffed, rolling her yes and crossing her arms over her chest.

She had started to grow comfortable walking around dressed like she was until Ashton had pointed it out. Ashton racked his eyes over her body one last time before he reached over and grabbed a cup, pouring straight vodka into it.

As he took his shot, Michael and Luke showed up behind Ashton. They both had the same reaction as Ashton, their eyes wide before recollecting themselves. Calum took notice of the boy's stares and wrapped his arm protectively around Scarlett's shoulders, bringing her closer to his side.

"Do you want to go dance?" Calum asked her, his hot breath fanning her ear.

She nodded and that's all it took for Calum to grab ahold of her hand again and drag her to where everyone else was dancing. He pushed their way to the center of the large group and pulled her close. They were so close that their chest's were practically centimeters apart. He took ahold of her hip while she wrapped her hand around the back of his neck so their foreheads touched. Their bodies swayed to some overplayed song but they didn't pay attention to it.

The song switched to Location by Khalid, and Calum spun Scarlett around so her back was pressed against his front as they continued to sway their hips to the rhythm.

Scarlett felt her face heat up, because she's never really done this before. But, before she could do anything, he wrapped his arms around her torso to try and ease her into it.

He leaned over her shoulder and asked, "Are you okay?"

Although she was a blushing mess, she nodded anyway and continued to press herself against Calum, the beat guiding her. She felt his fingers grip tighter on her hips.

The song ended, and there was a pause before One More Shot by Russ started to flood the atmosphere of the whole house. Everyone's mood changed, and instead of the slow grinding from before, Scarlett and Calum were now facing each other and dancing.

They weren't close as before, but they still let the rhythm of the song guide their bodies. They were smiling the whole time as they watched each other. They weren't the only ones, almost everyone was dancing in some type of way.

She may have looked like a total idiot tonight, but Calum made it a little more enjoyable.

She took a look at Calum's face, and she could see the sweat forming on his hairline. His face also overwhelmed with a wide grin. Songs continued to play and the pair continued to get closer to each other. Calum placed one hand on the side of her neck, ands the other on her waist to pull her closer to his body.

The feeling of their bodies pressed together was no longer a foreign feeling, and they both enjoyed the feeling. Whatever song was playing faded away as their eyes focused on eachother.

Calum titled her head up and leaned forward just a little, so she met him halfway, their lips connected. They didn't pull away. Scarlett titled her head to deepen the kiss and put her hand on the back of Calum's neck to pull him in closer.

He pulled on her waist, so both of their hips connected. She didn't know how long this went on for, nor did she really care. Because, she didn't want it to end.



Away ≫ l.h.  {COMPLETED} {EDITING} Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora