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Ok hi hello. So the person I originally picked as Jack was Jensen Ackles but then I started to realize (and some people called out) that he literally plays Dean in Supernatural, the show I reference a lot from this point forward. So here is the NEW Jack, I don't know his name, he just came up on Google, and I also think he fits the image of Jack I had in my head. Okay, carry on:)

Leaving the grave two hours after what Jake had done to her, she felt that Jack had ripped the one thing that was important to her; her safety. She knew it was going to happen one day or another. But she never thought he would do it on top of her fathers grave. She had cried for two hours, and it felt like she could not cry anymore. But she did. When Jack had first jumped on her, he had taken her phone and thrown it far from her reach. It was probably half way across the cemetery.

Scarlett re-slipped on her shorts and zippered Luke's hoodie further up her chest. She crawled up, using the gravestone as support, but stop short when she felt a burning sensation between her legs. Using the little strength she had left, she managed to stand up.

Scarlett turned around and saw her phone luminating from a distance. Walking down to where it was, she was not surprised when she saw this appear on her screen.

*Lukey - 54 missed calls*

*Lukey - 48 IMessages*

*Ashton - 25 missed calls *

*Calum - 22 missed calls*

*Michael - 32 missed calls*

Scarlett knew she couldn't tell Luke what had happened. So, she called Ashton. He picked up on the second ring, "Scarlett, are you okay?!"

Then Scarlett started crying once more.


"Ashton, I need you to come pick me up." Scarlett said, a sob coming out,

"What? Why not Luke-"

"Because he can't know what happened! Please, Ashton!"

Ashton sighed on the other side of the line. "Alright, where are you?"

"I'm at the Middlesex cemetery." Scarlett breath in before letting another sob escape, "Please hurry."

"Do you want me to tell Luke-"

"No! No, don't say anything to him!"


"Ashton, please!"

"I'll be there in ten minutes." Ashton said, a hint of worrying in his voice, "Stay put."

So Scarlett did, but she laid down on the now damp grass and cried.

Ashton showed up ten minutes later like promised and walked over to Scarlett who still laid on the grass. He sat down next to her and sat her up straight. He saw that she had been crying and pulled her close to her chest.

"Scarlett, what happened?" Ashton asked, hugging her shaking frame.

Scarlett sobbed into his chest, gripping the hem of his shirt. "J-Jack."

She felt Ashton's body stiffen. "What did he do to you?"

Scarlett couldn't even tell him without sobbing.

"He-he " Scarlett choked out, "raped-"

"Stop right there." Ashton interrupted, his face was still as he picked her up and helped her stand up "I'm dropping you off at home."

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