Chapter 16: Revange

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Pinkamena threw an arm towards the window, but it didn't seem to leave much blood.

"What are they doing in there? Are they even paying attention to me?"

She mumbled to herself, a bad habit she still had from her time in the wilderness. Since she's killed all the men, she assumed she would move on to the next part of the test. Unless that wasthe entire test, then she would be very 
disappointed. She decided the best way to get their attention was to start throwing body parts at the window. And, surprisingly, it worked.

The gates that the men came out of slowly began to open, causing Pinkamena to toss aside the leg she was about to throw, an eager and excited look on her face.

" Alright! It's about time! So, what going to be my next ch-"

Pinkamena immediately stopped where she was, disbelief on her face. Igneous walked out of the darkness, not with that same brooding look on his face, but with a prideful smile.

"You've seemed to have taken care of these guys fairly quickly, ready for an actual challenge?"

The words came out of his mouth smoothly; he was acting so calm, more than usual. In seconds, Pinkamena filled with burning rage, so much so she couldn't even say anything. She began running towards him, not thinking about what she was going to do; she was running on her rage.

"Just going to rush in like that? Seems a bit reckless to me."

Igneous said smugly, not even flinching when she took a swipe at him. He dodged it quickly, his movements surprisingly fast. She took another swing at him, but he avoided that one too. Faster than she could react, he moved forward and kneed her in the face, knocking her down on the ground.

"These guys may have had more battle experience than me overall, but I've fought chimeras before, most of them in this very room."

Igneous said to her, his calm demeanor still present. Pinkamena jumped off the ground towards him, launching a kick towards him from the left. This time, he didn't dodge. Instead, he caught the leg with his hands, holding it with a firm grip. Without hesitation, he spun around, taking Pinkamena with him. He tossed her across the room, causing to land on her side with a grunt.

"I know your limits, your speed, and your strength. So, as long as I remain calm, fighting you is not that hard. Especially when it's one like you, allowing their rage to consume them."

Pinkamena slowly got off the ground, looking towards her father, the color red began to blur her vision. She roared as she ran towards him on all fours, no longer able to think.

"There you go again, rushing in without thinking. That wouldn't be too bad if you were competent."

Pinkamena began to desperately attack him, swinging her nails at him again and again, trying to land even a single hit on him, but he was dodging them with ease. Eventually, Igneous grabbed her arm and kicked her in the chest, knocking her down on the ground. He then firmly stomped his foot on her chest, still holding her arm in his hands.

"Strength and speed mean nothing if you're stupid, you have to think about everything do, every hit has to have a meaning. I wonder, maybe some pain will teach you this lesson."

Before she could react, he quickly twisted and bent her arm, causing it break almost instantly, making a loud snapping sound. Pinkamena felt the immense sharp pain through her entire arm, causing her to nearly whimper. But she bit her tongue; she couldn't let him hear her pain, she wouldn't allow it. He let go of her arm, steam rising from her arm as it began to heal itself. She held it close to her body, trying to let it heal.

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