Chapter 1: Captured

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There were a lot of things about Pinkie that made her special: her personality, her childlike appearance, her parties, her positive attitude, and the overall wonderful person she was. She had many friends, both close, and people she was friendly with. But, none truly knew anything about her real life. No one knew about her family, her past, what her parents were like, why her siblings disappeared, except for Maud. And, especially, no one knew why she always tried to stay positive, the truth was much worse than any of them could have hoped to imagine.

She never knew that much about her family, not really. But, she soon found out when she reached eighteen, her family would take her away for ‘family business.’ Her father terrified her, he always had an emotionless face, no matter what it was he did. At least she knew where Maud got it. His yellow eyes never harbored any emotion, he always had a suit on, no matter the occasion, and always wore black pants to match his suit. He always had his hat on to cover his spiked, gray hair, he never looked different, despite how little Pinkie actually saw him, other than his clothes.

Her mother was… distant, to say the least. When she looked at any of them with those cold, blue eyes, it always put fear into Pinkie and her siblings, except for Maud, since she never seemed to look at her that way. She usually wore something fancy like a dress, or just something that would be more suited for a ball, despite whether or not she planned on leaving the house. She also kept her hair in a bun, except for when she was asleep, she let it down then.

She enjoyed her siblings though, Inkie and Blinkie before they disappeared. She loved spending time with them, they always played together and gossiped like sisters normally did. Then, their birthday came. They were fraternal twins, but, they were still as close as twins would be.

When their birthday came, and they turned eighteen, Igneous Pie, their dad, came and took them away. He never showed up unless it was something important, or, at least, what he deemed important. Cloudy Quarts, their mother, was always around the house, but never treated them like she was their mother. She didn’t cook; she didn’t clean, she didn’t help her daughters with homework or boys, she didn’t do anything a normal mother would.

They never returned, not once did they come to visit or send letters, they simply vanished. Pinkie tried her hardest to find them, looked everywhere she knew about, but, she never found them. Maud said they were just helping dad with something, but, Pinkie wasn’t stupid. Everyone at school was asking where they’ve been and when they’d be back, but, Pinkie simply just made excuses, as she didn’t know herself. Then, recently, her eighteenth birthday came up, and she found out the hard way exactly what the family business was.

She went to school like any other day, talked to her friends, made plans for the party, those kinds of things. And, she did have a party, all of her close friends came, even Maud tagged along. After the party was over, and everyone said goodbye, Pinkie had started to clean up, but, she never got to finish.

Igneous came to the house and took Pinkie the same way he did Inkie and Blinkie. Neither Maud nor Cloudy tried to stop him, as they knew this day would come. He always had two bodyguards near him; they always wore the same kind of clothes Igneous did, except the only accessory they wore was a pair of glasses. Pinkie never knew why, as there was almost no reason to have any. There was rarely crime or muggings or anything, and when there was, it usually happened up in the city, not way down in the suburban parts. Pinkie didn’t try to resist, as she wanted answers, and resisting would just cause more problems. They took her into a car they had parked in front of the house, a normal, black van, with tinted windows. Basically, it was the kind of car either people in business have or criminals.

As they drove to wherever it was they were taking her; Pinkie tried asking both the guards and her father questions. Such as: Where they were going, when they’d be back if she would see Inkie and Blinkie, but, they just stayed quiet the entire time until Igneous told her to shut up, which she got the hint and did. Eventually, after hours of driving and traffic, they got to their location. Though, Pinkie didn’t really know where, as she had fallen asleep long ago, being too bored to stay awake.

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