31 - Reunion

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Liberty's P.O.V

Suddenly, I was in the middle of nowhere. Like, I didn't know where I was at all. It was dark, but it was as if I was surrounded by thousands and thousands of tiny stars. It was beautiful. Then someone appeared in front of me, a man with high cheekbones, and a dramatic red cape that had an incredibly high collar, a very stern face and a silver medallion that looked to be in the shape of an eye hanging around his neck. He had his eyes closed and he was sat in a classic meditation manner, his legs crossed, his hands held up by the sides of his head.

"H-Hello?" I said, my voice seemed to echo through the space around us. He opened his eyes, staring in my direction, his facial expressions still very serious.

"Liberty Rogers," He replied his voice deep and matching his expressions, a thick yet familiar New York accent coating each syllable.He started to move, as if he was standing up and he began to float towards where I was standing.

"Who-Who are you?" I stuttered, suddenly, a small friendly smile crept across his lips as he put a single hand on my chest, not pressing down or anything, it was just there. He bowed his head, still smiling softly, as he turned to face away from me and began to float away.

"Wait, w-where are you going?" I asked, wondering how I got here and why I was here. but the main question that played on my mind was who was that man as everything I could see faded back to black.

My eyelids fluttered open, the room was incredibly bright, the sun shining obnoxiously through the gap in the curtains. It had all been a dream, everything I had just seen, it had all been a figment of my imagination. But it felt so real, yet it did make more sense for my brain to have completely made that up, which helped me answer some of the questioned I had about it all. I looked around the room, it was very plainly decorated, I wasn't home, I was somewhere else, which concerned me slightly, but I was safe, somehow...

I tried to sit up but felt an excruciating pain in my chest as I did so, putting my hand to my chest out of instinct. The pain was in the same place that the man from my dream had put his hand. As I did so, I feel something hard and cold beneath my shirt. I looked down the collar of my shirt to see that my bra was in fact still there, but it was not the cause of my pain, but there was a large metal circular device that seemed to be inside my chest.

"You're okay," I heard a familiar voice say from the doorway to the room. I had been so distracted by the pain in my chest, I hadn't realised that dad and Uncle Tony were both stood in the doorway. I tried to smile, pain still shooting through my body, my hand still clutching the area of my chest.

"That's an arc reactor, by the time we got to you I was forced to quickly make you one," Uncle Tony moved forwards, I could see his arc reactor glowing through his ACDC t-shirt. "Now we match," Tony laughed, making me actually smile. But what I realised is that his reactor was just one solid colour, it glowed a pale blue colour, whereas mine seemed to glow more than one colour, blue, red, orange, green, yellow and purple.

"W- ugh- what happened?" I asked, trying my best to sit up again, and I was finally able to with the help of Dad and Tony at my side. "And why is my arc reactor glowing different colours?"

Both of them looked at each other, and I had seen that look before, it never really meant anything good before now.

"Y-You did it, Liberty," Dad started, it was incredibly nice to properly hear his voice again, even if it had only been moments since I last heard it.

"I did what?" I asked, feeling a slight panic rising in my stomach.

"You killed him, Liberty," Tony carried on, "Thanos is gone."

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