28 - To Infinity And Beyond?

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Steve's P.O.V

God, look at how much she'd grown! I didn't think she'd really have changed that much from two years over here, but she looked so different, she looked so much more like her mother did. I could see that she didn't recognise me at first, it must've been the beard. I was so glad that the S.H.I.E.L.D agents had allowed me out of custody to come out here, I just needed to make sure that they were all alright.

The snap had hit the world, even the universe hard, I didn't know who was still alive anymore. I just saw my two best friends disappear before my eyes. I just needed to make sure that that son of a b*tch didn't kill my only daughter. I embraced her with open arms, thank god I hadn't lost her too.

"dad, what's up?" Liberty asked, her eyes saddening, giving me the same concerned look that her mother would've given me if she were here right now.

" It's Thanos, he's here,"

Liberty stood there in silence. She'd known about the mad titan for a while, and I knew that she'd trusted us to defeat him, and we ultimately failed.

Just like that, she started packing, she knew what she had to do. No questions were asked, but she knew what the consequences would've been if Thanos won the inevitable battle for the entire universe. And, to be honest, if she would've asked me any questions, I wouldn't have been able to answer them anyway.

I could tell, just from watching her, that walking up the driveway to the house felt incredibly bittersweet for Liberty. In the two years without her, it had honestly been a struggle. I had lost most of the people whom I had previously called friends, I had seen two of my best friends fade before my own two eyes, but now that I had Liberty back, something felt like it was starting to be repaired.

We walked through the front door and Liberty went straight to her room, dropping her bags off and looking around at the place she used to live, in what felt like a distant memory. She then walked, her stance strong and brave, back towards the living room, where I was still stood.

"What happened?" She asked, as if she had already braced herself for the worst. But, oh lord, she had no idea.

"Thanos appeared, and we lost," I started, Liberty seemed impatient at my reply.

"I mean, what happened?"

I paused, trying to figure out how to form what had happened not just to verbally tell Liberty, but to also understand it all myself too.

"Thanos got hold of all of the Infinity Stones, he came to earth and stole Vision's Mind Stone, then he did the snap, and suddenly people began disintegrating and fading away all around," I tried to explain, my words failing me slightly. Liberty's eyes grew wider and then she calmed suddenly, curiosity overriding her system.

"Who-who disintegrated?" Liberty stuttered. I wasn't entirely sure that she wanted to hear the answers.

"There were a lot, Liberty, I'm not sure I can-"

"Who, dad, just name some," Liberty cut me off, I could feel her eagerness to solve this problem, she had genuinely started to remind me more and more of her mother every time I looked at her, even the bravery and intellect, she definitely didn't get the normal intellect from me.

"Well... erm... Uncle Sam, W-Wanda, King T'Challa -"

"T'CHALLA?!" Liberty exclaimed in disbelief, "He's-"

"Yes," I confirmed

"But Wakanda-"

"Yes, I know," I said, "we still don't know who is living anymore,"

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