18 - New Perspectives

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Liberty's P.O.V

After we had finished at school for the day, which was at around lunchtime because of the incident involving a supposed alien and our very own Spiderman, I waited outside where the buses picked up the kids just as I had told Peter I was going to be. 

I didn't have much time to myself, I was about to text dad to for-warn him about me bringing a friend around, but I looked up from my mobile phone to see a familiar face shuffling towards me. I smiled at Peter as he moved towards where I was standing, shoving my phone in the pocket of my dark jeans, he seemed to be finding it hard to meet my eyes directly as if he was embarrassed.

As we walked away and finally exited the school gates, I decided it would be good to start a conversation, to break this eery silence.

"You- you don't have to be embarrassed, ya know?" I said quietly, making Peter look at me. I heard him let a sigh seep out of him as if letting all the stressed air from inside the cage of his lungs.

"So..." Peter said, he still seemed nervous for some reason, even though he had no reason to be nervous.

"So... spiders huh?" I joked, looking up at the sky and then back down to where Peter was smiling at the concrete next to me, a chuckle escaping his lips and our eyes finally met, friends once again. 

"You don't hate me or anything now then?" Peter's smile faded as he asked, I laughed.

"Pete, I'm in this for the long run, I don't really plan for anything to mess that up," 

"Thanks," He replied, smiling again, a look of relief spread across his face.

There was a small moment of silence where all we did was walk, neither of us feeling so alone anymore.

"Pete?" I spoke up, I had so many questions but didn't want to bombard him with them all at once, yet there were one or two questions that were burning a hole in my skull. "H-how and when did-did you, ya know, become-"

"Become Spidey?" He smiled, knowing me well, knowing that my curiosity would overthrow any common sense within me. I nodded and he began to explain how he'd been bitten by a radioactive spider just under a year ago and had somehow been granted with all the powers; the superhuman strength, being able to climb up walls and hang from ceilings, etc. We then joked on and on, chatting as we would regularly do, which was a nice release after everything that had gone off today already. I allowed my mind to wander, watching the clouds drift by across the mesmerising blue sky, listening intently throughout the whole conversation until he began to ask me things.

"What?" I asked, not quite concentrating enough as to hear what he asked me.

"I said, how did you lift that pillar off me? It was really heavy, but you managed to somehow lift it almost effortlessly," 

"Ermm..." I didn't quite know how to explain it all, I had barely managed to get my own head around it all. "I... erm... I'll try to explain later, when we get to my house, it should...erm... start to make a little bit more sense... I hope," I replied as we walked. Thankfully, Peter just nodded, understanding how hard it is sometimes to explain weird things.

We turned a corner that led to the street that my house was on and my stomach started to burst into butterflies, nervousness filling up even my bones and we stepped onto the driveway and up towards my house.

Before I opened the door, I turned to Peter,

"Peter, just a quick warning,"


"Try not to freak out too much?"

"Sure?" Peter replied I could feel him getting a little bit suspicious. I unlocked the door and walked inside, trying to act as normal as it was humanly possible.

I took off my shoes, Peter did the same, putting them side by side next to the door. My heart was beating hard in my chest. I put my bag down on the sofa before speaking.

"Hey Dad! I'm home, Peter's here with me," I announced, Peter still looking a little confused behind me.

Footsteps started and then Dad appeared from downstairs in his gym area, he was still wearing his work out clothes but he didn't look to be that sweaty, unravelling the bandages from around his knuckles. Obviously, he'd been punching the bags.

"Hey, how was sch-" Dad started, looking towards me and then to Peter who was stood just a little bit behind me, stopping mid-sentence immediately after seeing the two of us.

From behind me, I heard a small screech come from Peter. I turned around to see my best friend transform from a 16-year-old almost-adult to a small child in a matter of seconds. 

"You're- and you're- he's - he's your- WHAAAT" 

I just laughed and looked towards my equally shocked father who was stood in stunned silence.

Well, this was going to be interesting...

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