8 - Midtown High

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Liberty's P.O.V

Classes were... different. Once we had gotten out of homeroom, I followed Peter to where he said my first class was; Chemistry, whatever that meant.

Back when I went to school before I was taken, I wasn't too good at the whole facts and figures academic subject, I was always better at what mum called 'the more creative subjects' rather than the subjects such as maths and science. This, of course, helped me in no way as I was soon to learn that 'Chemistry' was a science subject.

Sat in that classroom, next to Peter as he had let me sit by him since I didn't know anyone else yet really, it really did strike me how much times had changed since the 1950's. Back then, we had uniforms, I was forced to wear pinafore dresses (of which I absolutely despised) and plain blouses with grey socks coating my legs all the way up to just below my knee. These days there didn't seem to be any uniform, at least there wasn't any at Midtown, but it looked nice, seeing everyone sort of 'expressing themselves' through their clothing choices. It also was incredibly noticeable how much the subjects themselves had changed; we never really had 'sciences' per say, if I remember rightly it was just 'this is how plants grow' and 'if you drop a ball on the ground it falls because of gravity' there was never any complicated stuff like what I was seeing before my eyes in this classroom.

There was a definite one thing that stood out from amongst everything else.

I had a lot of catching up to do.

Once it got to lunch time it was a relief to be out of a classroom. I, again, hung out with Peter and Ned, getting out the packed lunch that dad had made me this morning, even if I told him that I would make it for myself.

"So how'd ya like Chemistry and Woodwork?" Ned asked me as I opened up my lunch.

"Woodwork was okay, but I'm going to need a lot of help with Chemistry and probably Science too..." I replied sadly as I continued to open my lunch to see a handwritten note from my dad.

'Hope today is going okay, made you your mom's favourite, hope it suffices. - Dad'

"Hey, Liberty, Peter could help you with the Sciencey subjects if that isn't your strong suit!" Ned exclaimed, causing Peter to roll his eyes slightly as his cheeks reddened very slightly, "Peter is on the Midtown Academic Decathlon team, and he's top of the class in most of those types of subjects,"

"Ned, dude, you're amazing at Science too ya know! He's second only to me!" Peter laughed back, biting into his sandwich.

I then took a bite into my sandwich, putting away the note from dad till later, making sure to save it. As soon as the sandwich touched her lips she knew exactly what it was. BLT. Her mind flashed back to the times when Aunt Angie, one of Peggy's friends, would make her and Lizzie BLTs perfectly, the flavours and textures dancing on her tongue. It was just like that again, all over again. She made a mental note to thank her father for that later.

"Would you really help me?" I asked Peter after swallowing my first mouthful of sandwich, I probably looked slightly pathetic then, asking a person, a boy, who I had barely gotten to know yet, to help me out with something as seemingly intricate as Science. Peter nodded and I smiled as I took another bite into my sandwich.

"How much would we have to cover?" Peter questioned curiously. And in that moment I didn't know what to say, I mean I knew I had to tell him the truth but I wasn't entirely sure how to put it without mentioning the fact that the last time I attended any type of formal education was over 60 years ago by now.

"Erm... how about... all of it?" I said, waiting for any type of backlash that could have occurred after saying that.

"Okay? But, wait, didn't you do science at your other school before moving to this one?" Peter then asked. Oh lord, here came the questions. I'd have to think up some pretty quick answers that seemed reasonable.

"Yeah we did do a bit of science, but it was very simple stuff, nothing like whatever it was that we were just taught in that Chemistry classroom!" I explained, trying my hardest to sound as convincing as possible, even if everything I just said wasn't exactly a lie or anything.

"Well then, we better start as soon as we can! Hows tomorrow night after school sound? We can all come over to my aunts appartment and get some studying done," Peter replied. Thank the lord he didn't ask any more questions, even if I was kinda surprised that no more questions were asked and extremely relieved.

"Yeah, I mean, I'll have to ask my dad first but I'm sure he'll be alright with it," And with that, I had two friends and a study partner to help me along my way.

We finsihed eating and the bell rang overhead, prompting us to start making our way to our next class. I looked at my timetable to see what my next class was; Art. Finally, something I could deal with.

Authors Note
Hey everyone! Hope your enjoying the story so far. There's much much more to come so make sure you stay tuned!
Sorry for this chapter taking so long, I've not had as much time as I would've liked to write but hopefully I'm back for a while!
- C

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