26 - England

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Liberty's P.O.V

A couple of minutes later, I broke away from the hugs to answer the door, an official S.H.I.E.L.D car parked outside, Agent Maria Hill stood by the door. I took my suitcase to the car, used my key to lock the front door and then waved as we drove off, leaving the life I had known for a short whole behind me.

I was strangely silent all the way to the base. Agent Hill was sat next to me in the back of the car, dressed completely in black and grey, her usual uniform for working at S.H.I.E.L.D, she was also pretty much silent. That was, until her earpiece beeped quietly, signalling that someone was trying to reach her.

"Yes sir," she began, her voice serious and professional, "Yes, she's here,"

As we pulled up to the S.H.I.E.L.D base, I could see that there was a small private jet on the site, which I would've never believed was for me. It wasn't as large as an actual plane that you'd find at a modern airport, but it was equally as fancy. There were comfortable seats and a television screen, which looked and felt weird to me, even though I had been living in this modern world for a while, I had never once been on an aeroplane. Mum always travelled by boat with us, never by air transport, because it was the cheapest mode of travel.

I sat down and we took off. Agent Hill was travelling with me until I reached my niece's house, and that would be where she'd leave me, giving her a phone number to call if she needed any sort of aid from anyone at S.H.I.E.L.D. My first impressions of England were rain, which I already had the knowledge that it was quite realistic for it to rain here from what I remember mum telling me all those years ago. I barely remember any of my past visits to the country, it was one of the many things that had seemingly melted out of my memories. The drive wasn't too long, which was nice, and we went from driving through a city to past meadows and rolling fields, all the way towards the coastal areas, the sea lapping against the sand.

 I thanked her for looking after me during the travel as I got my suitcase out of the back of the car we had taken from the airport in England. Hill got back into the car and drove away, leaving me with the family whom I hoped I would get to know quite well.

My niece, Maggie, (named Margaret, after my mother,) was nice enough, and so was her husband Edward. Their house was medium sized, big enough for its purpose, but it was stunning. There was ivy climbing the walls near the front door, they had a large garden and some apple trees, it was incredibly idyllic. The large amount of land was useful to know about since I had managed to have been allowed to bring Prince with me overseas, I knew there would be places for him to explore once I let him out into the world. 

Maggie and Edward also had three children; James, their youngest at the age of 6, Annabelle, aged 13 and finally Christina, their oldest at the age of 16, the same age as me (kind of.) They also had some animals around the house; two cats called Felix and Rosie and a french bulldog called Lady. It was nice to know that it was possible for me to not be alone whilst I was staying here.

It turned out that Aunt Maggie (as we had decided it'd be best to call her, as to not confuse people who had no clue about our family's situation,) wasn't just my niece and just generally part of the family, she was also a S.H.I.E.L.D agent too, part of the British division. This made me feel much better about moving away so suddenly. Aunt Maggie got Christina to help me take my things upstairs and show me to my room, to which Christina seemed at least a bit happy about, but I wasn't quite sure.

Christina seemed to be alright, we liked a few of the same things, and it was nice to have a (hopefully) friend that wasn't entirely besotted by the Avengers or my father, I felt like I was at least vaguely normal. She liked to read, as did I, and, when I saw the typewriter on her desk at the other end of the bedroom and asked about it, she told me that she wanted to be a writer in the future, which I found incredibly interesting.

"This is your bed," Christina said, a friendly smile on her face as she gestured towards the bed at the other side of the large bedroom to where I supposed her bed was. "We'll be sharing whilst you're here, which I gather you are okay with?"

I nodded. Gosh it was nice to hear a genuine British accent again.

"On Monday, mum says that you'll be joining me for school," Christina and I lifted my suitcase onto the empty bed and she started helping me to unpack. 

"Yeah, whilst I'm here I still have to go to school so dad thought it'd make more sense if I just joined you, even if it is only for a year or so," I answered, putting my clothes onto hangers and hanging them in the small-ish wardrobe that I had been assigned in the room.

"It's nice here at least, the sea is one of the best views, even if it's a stormy night," She laughed, then going on to tell me about her school, her friends, and the area she had lived in for most of her life.

"I'd love to see the whole village, it looks so pretty, even in the rain," I chipped in, continuing the conversation for as long as I could, but it wasn't exactly as if I was lying, the town was very lovely from what I had seen of it on the drive here.

"There's a lot of nice stuff here, there's an old cinema, a bowling alley, the beach. I'll have to take you round at some point soon, it'd be fun," Christina offered, making both of us smile.

Aunt Maggie's voice shouted from the bottom of the stairs to tell us that food was ready, so the two of us rushed downstairs to a good homecooked meal. Seemed like living here in England would be a positive experience, I hope.

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