25 - The News

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Liberty's P.O.V

The sun was shining gently through the gap in the curtains, I couldn't quite remember when we fell asleep. The plan had always been for us to all watch films together and then for the boys to go home, even if Dad had already said to me that it was okay if they slept over, as long as nothing happened, but I knew that he trusted me on that front, (plus, why would anything happen anyway!) Prince was still there, still curled up in the gap between where my legs had been all night and the back of the sofa. He was still purring softly, making me smile. I guess I'd just have to explain to dad about him when he got back. If he got back. I got out from under my duvet covers and walked towards the kitchen sink to get myself a glass of water, careful not to wake either of the boys or Prince.

Ned was asleep in the armchair next to the sofa I had slept on, he was snoring quietly, which I would totally taunt him about later on, and Peter, bless him, had gotten some blankets and a pillow and slept on the floor in order to let Prince and I have the sofa to ourselves. He looked so peaceful, laid there in a bundle of blankets, I definitely didn't want to disturb him. I got myself a drink and ended up just going into my room to grab a book and sit and read for a bit on the sofa whilst the boys woke up. 

I was so incredibly tempted to check out the news on my mobile phone, to see if there was anything about the Avengers, but I stopped myself, I didn't want to know, whether the news was good or bad. I had, however, found it a little bit weird that there was only Sam, Nat and Wanda with dad on this mission by the looks of things, usually, the whole gang would go together, but I couldn't really question them, they had busy lives.

As if on cue, Peter's eyes fluttered open and he groaned as the sun shone in his face through the same gap in the curtains.

"Morning," I said quietly, Ned was still fast asleep.

"Morning," Peter replied, slowly getting up and sitting on the sofa with me, Prince waking up just simply to pad on Peter's lap and then curl up and go back to sleep once he was ready. 

"He really seems to like you, Pete," I laughed to myself as Peter began instinctively stroking his hands through Prince's fur.

"Yeah, which is kind of weird. Cats usually hate me..." Peter muttered, looking down at Prince who looked back up at him and purred, louder now, in his lap.

"I don't think anyone could ever hate you, Pete," I replied without even thinking, my cheeks grew hot at what I had just said, I could see that Peter's cheeks were also reddening slightly. It was then that Ned's eyes fluttered open, therefore all three of us were finally awake. I got up and put away my book, asking if anyone wanted any breakfast, telling them I could cook us some eggs or whip up something else. Both of the boys agreed to eggs on toast, and I volunteered to cook whilst they tidied up the blankets and bedding, making it so we all had an equal share of work to be getting on with. I also then suggested that we maybe finish the film we had started watching last night before we all seemingly drifted off to dreamland. Ned and Peter agreed and so we had a bit of a distraction whilst we all completed our respective tasks.

We were having a laugh, joking around whilst we tidied and cooked, the film a perfect backdrop. When suddenly the TV switched channel's by itself, as if by some sort of magic. I fumbled around looking for the remote until I heard a voice come over the TV's speakers.

"Tony, I don't want to fight you, but I can't sign it,"

"If fighting is how we will end this, then a fight it'll be, Rogers,"

I turned round to look at the images flashing on the screen. Two men, one laid down, looking in a terrible state, and the other had his back to the camera, but I knew exactly who it was just from his voice alone.

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