october 3 1

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All Hallows' Eve. Halloween. October 31.

The day had many different names.

Halloween was a holiday that Grayson simultaneously loved and hated.

He loved the gore, the blood and the darkness surrounding it, he loved the horror movies and the knives. He hated the children and their happy faces as they dressed up and walked around, getting candy for just existing.

Of course, Grayson had never celebrated it as a child. His grandmother said that dressing up like a heathen would send his immortal soul straight to hell.

Murder would probably send his immortal soul straight to hell, too, but his grandmother wasn't around anymore to tell him what to do.

He could hear the laughter and footsteps from outside as he put his black mask on. He never dressed up for Halloween, the mask was for an entirely different purpose.

Mainly, abduction. Perhaps murder, if he fucked up, which he didn't believe he would.

He was almost disappointed.

Someone knocked on the door. Grayson didn't answer, knowing that it was going to be a child waiting for candy.

Quite pathetic, really.

He caught sight of them through the glass panes. It was a small boy dressed up as a wizard, or something of the sort. His scraggly, gray costume beard nearly brushed his toes.

Grayson turned away and continued to get dressed. The little boy eventually left with a disappointed expression on his face.

Grayson didn't pay any mind to the little boy, nor the next child that came up, nor the one after that. He didn't have any sweets, anyway.

He had more important things to worry about.

Finally, he walked outside, all dressed up in his 'masquerade' outfit. The party that Chryssie was going to was a costume party, so he wouldn't look at all out of place.

And no one would recognise him. That was the reason that he had decided to dress up in a ridiculous costume in the first place.

But anything for his Chryssie.


Chryssie was dressed as a cat, a costume that took minimal effort and encouraged her friends to stop nagging her about not dressing up. There was heavy liner on her face and around her eyes, a bit shaky from Frieda's hand, but pretty nonetheless.

"I swear, Gigi," Amber was muttering, raking her fingers through her hair. "He's just trying to make me jealous. Haley is a total slag and everyone knows it - she'd sleep with anyone."

(Chryssie thought that Haley was quite nice, but that conversation wouldn't go nicely with Amber involved.)

"I heard that she's pregnant," Frieda offered.

"Slut," Amber snorted.

"That's probably just a rumour," she murmured, and Amber looked at her. It was condescending, the way her face got all soft, as though she was talking to a toddler.

"Do you really believe that? Knowing how many people Haley shags? It's bound to have happened at least once. You're just acting stupid."

"Maybe," Chryssie mumbled, not looking to seek an argument.

As Amber turned away, having made her point, Chryssie looked out of the window. It was a very dreary Halloween - the sky was clouded over and quickly darkening. The only light was coming from some of the lit pumpkins on doorsteps.

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