coconut chocolate

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Chryssie smiled at her mother as she walked through the door. Her mother didn't even give her a second glance, just stayed on the phone with her client.

A sigh escaped her as she glanced back down at her homework. Her tea eventually went cold, and as she went to heat it again, the doorbell rang. A frown etched itself onto her face, bemusement becoming her. The mailman had already dropped the mail off, and people rarely visited them on weekdays. Naturally, she ignored it, figuring her mother was busy and whoever was there wouldn't want to wait around for another hour until her phone call was done. She was heading back to the sitting room when the doorbell rang again.

And again, and again.

"Chryssie, can you get that?" her mother called from upstairs, and she bit her lip before heading over and opening it.

There was no one there.

Her confusion heightened, that was until she spotted the box of chocolates neatly tucked under the garden gnome on her doorstep. She picked it up, looking around in the street for a sign of someone, before taking it back inside to the kitchen.

She opened it cautiously, careful not to rip the gold foil the box was wrapped in. It had an insignia on it that she didn't recognise, and she resolved to look it up later when she had the time. Her delicate fingers took a chocolate out and she put it up to her eye, examining it carefully. She sniffed it before taking a knife and carefully cutting it into two pieces, staring when she realised what was on the inside.


Her blood quite nearly ran cold at that moment, eyes widening at the seemingly simple sight. She hadn't had coconut chocolates in ages, purposely avoiding them due to the connotation behind them.

They reminded her of her father, and that was painful to think about.

She took the chocolate and placed it back into the box, putting the lid on when a slip of paper fell out of the wrapping. Curious, she picked it up, eyes sliding over it.

My Flower,
Golden foil has a special meaning, as does this note. Enjoy your coconut chocolates. I know that they're your favourite. Perhaps you recall my favourite kind as well? After all, I told you what they were once.
Your Secret Admirer

She scratched at her forearm, anxiety building in the tips of her fingers, before hurriedly closing the box and taking a brisk pace heading to her bedroom. She passed her mother going up the stairs, and for once, was relieved that she wasn't paying much attention to her.

She stashed the box of chocolates under her bed before closing the door and heading back down the stairs to finish her homework, trying her best to forget that the whole ordeal had ever happened.


The pen snapped under the pressure of Grayson's fingertips, spouting ink all over his desk. It was the fourth pen that week, and he was starting to think that he ought to think out his plans before writing them down instead of brainstorming on paper.

He would admit, the whole abduction business was harder than he had anticipated it being. There were so many loose ends that were hard to tighten up. So many questions whose answers varied immensely. He had to have contingency plans, something he'd rarely ever had to worry about before.

Killing was easier, even though he'd only ever done it a few times. The dead didn't speak, and neither would he, therefore his secrets were kept neatly in the recesses of his mind, never to be seen by the light of day.

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