the beginning. . .

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Once upon a time, there lived a girl and a boy.

The girl was warm, and empathetic, and gentle as a doe in a meadow misted over by early-morning dew. She loved the sunlight as it shone down on her face, kissing her nose and cheeks and lighting her eyes ablaze like stars.

The boy was cold, and careful, and numb to even his own emotions. He loved the darkness of the sky as rain poured from the heavens, pattering down on the pavement.

The boy loved the girl with a passion that was dangerous in nature. He liked the way her smile curved up her face, the way that she was so kind to everyone even though the world was definitely not kind to her. He didn't understand how someone could be like that, an angel on earth, but he didn't particularly care to understand either.

He just knew that he needed her.

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