Chapter 7: Bathtime

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You couldn't let yourself hesitate any longer, so you made a few steps further and opened the door. Where did it lead? You weren't sure. You just knew that you had to go inside.

One more step and the cold darkness embraced you. For some reason, your head started to hurt.  

All of a sudden, you heard screams and a distorted horrifying cacophony of grunts that seemed to come from everywhere at once. Someone was... fighting?

Soon everything went silent again and you heard a familiar voice.

"(Y/n)... please, open your eyes... no... No! This... this wasn't supposed to happen! My poor (Y/n)... (Y/n)..."


"...(Y/n)... Master... Master (Y/n)..."

You sharply opened your eyes and looked at the little girl who was standing with a worried face beside your bed.


"This serv- Guying is asking for forgiveness for waking up Your Imperial Highness, but it looked like Master had a bad dream, so... so..." She didn't finish and lowered her head guiltily.

"It is fine. Thank you for waking me."  You winced as you noticed how raspy and weak was your voice, so you slowly sat down in the bed and was going to ask Guiying to bring you something to drink, but as you opened your mouth she was already extending her hand with a glass of water in it.

"Thank you, Guying." You took the glass and greedily drank it all down, trying to recall the dream you just had. But the more you were trying to remember it, the faster it was fading away from your mind.

'For some reason, I think it was an important dream... Maybe I'll recall some details later.' You pulled the blanket off of you, slowly stood up from the bed and looked at your little servant.

Little... hah... right... She was just a little shorter than you.

You sighed. 'I need time to get used to my new height...'

"Master, how do you feel?"

"Strangely, I feel good. No pain anywhere."

Guying smiled and nodded in satisfaction.

"Master, would you like to take a bath then?" She tilted her head cutely, looking at you expectantly.

"Master, would you like to take a bath then?" She tilted her head cutely, looking at you expectantly

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"A bath? Yes, yes I would."

'Good. There should be a mirror... This way I will be able to take a good look at myself... Wait, do they even have mirrors there?'

"Then please, follow me, Master. Guiying will show you the way to the bathing room."


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