Chapter 1: Life-changing decision

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(A/n: This story is rated 'mature' not without a reason, so if you decided to skip the warning in the previous part, don't blame me later. Please. (๑◕︵◕๑) )


"You need me to help you with making a game?" In bewilderment, you slowly repeated after Rin.

"I know you'll be just the right second artist and the perfect composer..."


"...and the most suitable musician. Also, you are working fast..."

You repeated his words a few more times in your head. Something was wrong. Fishy.

"...The deadline... When is the deadline?"

Rin's face paled considerably at first, then flushed red. 

"Well, the time is a purely abstract product of human's-"

"When the hell is the deadline?"

"In three months."

"...How much is ready?"

"Programming part is finished. The same with the script. Actually, everything is done except some background illustrations, some characters' sprites with different emotions and clothes, and we still need about... hm... five more musical compositions," Rin answered after checking out the organizer in his phone.

"It's an RPG, right?"

"Eh... It's a... dating simulator...  kind of like an otome game."

"...Kind of? Like a harem with one female and many males?"

"Kind of like a harem with one male and many other males..."


That was hilarious.

Rin asked you to help him with a game.
Not just any game - but a dating simulator.
Not just any dating simulator, but a Boys Love dating simulator.

You are an open-minded person, and you may or may not even played one - or two - BL games, so you don't have any problems with this genre, but to think that Rin would want to make this kind of game... was surprising.

His main field is RPG, and in his twenty-four, he is considered an outstanding RPG game developer. So why the sudden change?

By the way, you, a twenty-three years old artist and musician, are pretty well-known too. But only for your artworks, not for your music - because it is a hobby, not a for-profit activity.

It was understandable that he asked for your help... but still...


"I... I might help you if you answer a few questions." You looked at Rin seriously but after seeing the way he eagerly nodded his head in agreement you couldn't help but crack a little smile.
"So... why the BL game? Who set the deadline? Why did you come for help so late? Why call me so early in the morning? Who is working with you? Why do you think your game will be popular? Don't you think it will be just one out of many? How big is the game? What is the concept? What is it about? When-"

"Wait! Too many questions! Let me answer at least one question!"

"Go ahead." You arranged yourself into a more comfortable sitting position and prepared to listen.

"How do I start... Let's set with 'BL is popular nowadays'. It's only one of the reasons." He looked into your eyes with hope, but you only nodded in understanding. Not seeing the expected reaction from you he continued with a pout.


He was talking for almost thirty minutes nonstop. 

To conclude it all - he was the one who set the deadline. When he launched this project on Patreon he had to let the backers know the time the game will be ready (among the other things like Patreon profile bio, description of the game, funding goal, plan, progress, etc.).

About the early morning call - he did that out of panic almost immediately after Aoi called him, telling that she lost a part of her already finished data, so it had to be remade and thus she couldn't help Rin with illustrations and music.

Talking about Aoi - you knew her rather well. Rin, Aoi and you were going together to the art school and considered to be good friends. She was a nice girl, making her living writing historical and cultivation Bl novels online. You have never read them and actually couldn't quite understand why did she call them 'historical'. But you knew she wasn't a bad writer.

How did you know that? Well, you still couldn't forget that one time when she just told you that she liked writing and gave you a few pages story to read, asking to give her a review. It called "Chrome x Firefox x Trojan". You took it, albeit having no idea what these 'x'-s were standing for. 

It was a dramatic story about Trojan - virus file that came to destroy the system but ended up falling in love with a red-haired young beauty in the bright orange clothes with a fox on his shoulder, named Firefox (duh). Chrome - a handsome man in his late twenties with glasses - was in love with Firefox too, and couldn't stand the idea of having a love rival, so he asked Firewall to take Trojan into quarantine - and then, later, to ruthlessly delete him after User's permission, under explanation - "he may infect the computer and that will lead to a mad User eliminating them all while resetting the system". Actually, that much was true. 

But unexpectedly, the almighty User decided just to leave Trojan in quarantine (the file was fixed and the infection eliminated). Trojan's code hasn't changed much, so he didn't forget about his love. He ran away from quarantine to Firefox, only to find him with Chrome. Then there was a big fight between the trio that somehow ended in a passionate threesome. The End.

You were shook right to the core after reading it. Since then you've decided to never read her stories because they were.... too explicit for your liking.

So, back to the topic at hand - Aoi was Rin's co-producer and obviously, a writer.

The game should be popular because it had many features - like capturing guys, upgrading the skills tree, learning spells through the RPG elements, killing monsters and many more.

And the main object was a little bit different from another dating simulators - you not only had to chase after your target but also try to avoid your own (or your main romantic interest's) death from yet another overjealous target who was previously rejected.

You also had the option to stay friends with targets (the first of the most difficult endings), to make a harem (the second one of the most difficult endings), to romance a hidden target (the most difficult ending), to save or annihilate the world, to run away from home and become well-known (for a few different reasons), to kill one or a few of your capture targets, even to change your orientation and romance girls.

You had the option to enable and disable the adult content after downloading the patch (so the game could be published on Steam).

Also, in this game you could choose your name and had a first-person perspective, so you didn't have to look at your character's face that had nothing similar to your own. However, you still could see parts of 'your' body in some graphical CGs.


Somehow, Rin won you over and you agreed to help him. Even though a certain degree of uncertainty and lack of eye contact when answering certain questions seemed suspicious. Was he hiding something? Probably.

Smiling, he gave you papers with the summary and some basic information that he used to track the overall game progress.

Oh, (Y/n), you can't even imagine how important was this decision and just how much it would change your life.

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