Chapter 1: An Unknown Call

Start from the beginning

Parking my car directly in front of the house instead of the garage, I slipped out and quickly headed up the stairs. I could hear them and sense them without having to see them and one in particular was moving towards the door.

"Willow, your home, novio!"Martha greeted in Spanish as I walked in through the double doors. I bent and gave her a quick kiss on her wrinkled, yet still beautifully tan forehead as she wrapped her plump arms around me.

"Sí Martha, Maddy chased me away for working too much," I explained with a chuckle.

"Bueno, Bueno! You do too much! Kevin made dinner, the muchacho knows you love your food. Go eat up! I will run a you nice bath for you to soothe your nerves in, sí?" Martha rambled affectionately as she shoved me in the direction of the kitchen.

"Gracias Martha" I thanked giving her a beaming smile before heading towards the kitchen.

My stomach's intense adoration for Kevin, my chef, grew as I spotted the plate of steak and mashed potatoes along with a glass of what smelt like some of my good wine. Bless that boy and his ability with both a stethoscope and a spatula. I dropped my bag and plopped down on one of the chairs starting to dig in without a care in the world as to what came of my dress afterward. The rich flavors burst in my mouth and my wolf and I moaned in appreciation licking the dish clean in under five minutes. Letting out a tiny, okay not really, massive and utterly satisfying burp I picked up the glass of wine and started to wake my way upstairs. Just as I was leaving the kitchen, my phone started blasting Queen again, and I grumble in annoyance. Can't a girl get a break in this forsaken planet.

Muttering a few choice words in Spanish (a habit I picked up from Martha) I bent and shuffled through my bag to find the cursed device, balancing my wine glass in my right hand. Finally finding it, I was met with the same number that called when I was driving. Deciding to get this over with I answered.
"Hello, Willow speaking, may I know who this is?" I asked albeit sounding a little annoyed.

"Alpha Moonclaw..."

My wine glass nearly slipped out of my hand at the sound of his voice. Its been years since I'd last heard it and there was a good reason for it. Pain burned in my chest and acid clogged my throat leaving the line deadly silent for a moment.

"Alpha? Are you there?" he asked again, the familiar baritone of his voice sending an array of memories my way. Memories I didn't want to think about.

"Ray...uh...Beta Ray, it's been a while." I finally managed to choke out, fighting hard to return my voice back to normal.

"Four years to be exact Willow" he corrected a little bitterly causing me to involuntarily flinch.

"Yes, I understand the pack is doing well. Your last email suggested so." I stated in a more stern tone, having nothing else to say.

"Well yes, as well as it can without its Alpha present." he snarked again and I growled in warning. There's a limit to his behavior and he was dangerously closing in on it. He cleared his throat and muttered an apology before continuing.

"The warriors are continuing their training. We had new wolves join in. Uh Penny Lockwood opened a new bakery and we are constructing another school for the younger pups and we might have a problem with hiring teachers. The pack elders are grumpy but well and there have been a few feuds here and there between the young wolves but nothing major."

"That's good, Ray, I'm happy to hear, but I already know all this. I looked into the teacher issue and a few neighboring packs have available staff members, I'll send you the contacts first thing tomorrow....Is there a specific reason you called?" I asked stiffly, my glass of wine long forgotten on the kitchen counter.

I heard him let out a long sigh before saying, "Yes, actually. You need to come back."

"What?!" I snarled, Violet coming out and bearing her canines even if the Beta couldn't see.

"Seriously Willow, you need to understand that you're our Alpha. Especially a female Alpha, that means you're both our Alpha and Luna as of present and the pack can't go on with a Beta as the face of the pack. There's hole in every wolf's heart that only you can fill and I know you've been giving your best but emails and looking after the pack from afar is not going to help our pack." he pleaded.

"I built our business in the human world up to the point that now its the best business in Browning, and mind you it was falling apart when I first came in. I've made enough money to support our pack the highest possible luxuries for the next four generations! And you know I can't come back Ray, you know why!" I yelled into the phone my anger and frustration bursting at the seams.

"But you have to! The Royals are holding The Court and every Alpha that does not attend will be eliminated and their pack will become property of the Royal pack." Ray yelled back equally frustrated but most of all his voice was laced thick with worry. "I don't want you to die Willow, and I don't want our pack members to get enslaved by the Royal family."

I was quiet for a while contemplating what I'd just heard. I knew about the infamous Court that the Royals held whenever they pleased and the idea and conditions of it were honestly ridiculous and borderline barbaric. It's main purpose was to find mates between high ranking wolves and form alliances and discuss the progress between packs. It was done in a very elaborate way with balls and dinners and ceremonies and many other utterly useless gatherings. Attendance of all currently reigning Alphas and their families was compulsory, if the Alpha had no family of his/her own the present Beta in command must attend. I never expected myself to have to attend a Court gathering because the last one was held only a short twenty five years ago. If I didn't attend my pack would be enslaved and I would be assassinated.  

"When is it? Why is it happening so soon Ray?" I questioned getting agitated.

"Its in two weeks time Willow, and the reasons for it are unclear and I wasn't exactly going to question the Royals." Ray muttered the last part catching my attention.

"They personally delivered the invitation?" I asked incredulously as it was a very rare occurrence for any of the Royals to even leave their territory.

"Yep, the crown Prince himself." Ray replied making me release another long line of Spanish curses.

"And what did he say about my absence?"  I asked dreading the answer.

"He said 'I expect Alpha Moonclaw will be arriving from her little vacation. Her attendance is very important' or something posher but along those lines." Ray narrated and I could imagine him shrugging.

We were both quiet for a while.

"So will you come?" Ray questioned hesitantly.

"Do I have a choice?"

I know it's a little late but I have exams next week so I'm busy!

Tell me what you think about Willow and Ray, and what you think of this chapter. I'll update the 2nd chapter next week between Friday and Sunday. Until then, Buh-bye!!!


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