Chapter XVI ~ Happy birthday, Cecilia.

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(Cecilia's P.o.V.)

"Cee. I can't believe you gave in. You had so much going for you." Seto said.

We were being held in a prison cell changed to opposite walls. It was good to see Seto again. But this isn't the way I thought I would be spending my first day back in minecraftia.

"I know. But if I didn't Jimmy would have died." I said and my eyes watered at just the thought of never seeing him again.

"I'm sorry to enterupt." Sky's voice rang throughout the cell. "But it's collecting time!"

Seto and I groun. He doesn't collect my magic, it's not compatible. Mine is pure light magic and his is pure dark.

He can and does collect and uses Seto's though. Apparently he is a perfect mix of half light magic and half dark magic.

But because he can't torture me that way, he makes sure it is as painful as possible for Seto, and makes me watch. 

"So today I have a very important date, so unfortunately I have to make this short." He says.

I give Seto a puzzled look. He simply shrugs in response.


"I'm back!" Sky sings as he entered our cell. "And I brought a friend! Namely Dad!" Sky smiles. I feel a bit jealous of Sky and his father's relationship. Father wouldn't ever let me call him Dad. It's always "Father, Your highness," or "Sir."

His dad walking in shakes me from my thoughts.

"You and I are both at the same level of power, and I can't hurt you. I thought I would call on the big guns." Sky says.

And with sickly smiles from the father, son duo. I knew trouble was about to hit me on the face.


After hours of torture from Herobrine. He and Sky finally leave.

I look over to a bloody Seto and say. "You've got something on your face."

He looks at me and says. "Really?" With as much sarcasm as he could muster. "You know, this isn't how I imagined our first night together."

"You pervert." I say.

"That's not what I ment." He said.

"Then what did you mean?" I say giving him a 'go on' look.

"I just always imagined a nice dinner and a movie." He says.

"Nice save. Idiot."

"Hey!" He says putting this hand on his heart as if to say I had hurt him.

"But you're my idiot." I said with a smile.

"So... How was your trip to earth?" Seto asked.

"It was good." I replied.

"So what was going on between you and my doppelganger? You two seemed to have a close relationship."

"Oh, that. Nothing happened there." I lied.

"Cecilia, I have known you for years. I can tell when you're lying." He said with a judging look.

"Ok, he kissed me." I said.

"He what!" He yelled. "And did you kiss back?!"

"N-no! Please don't be mad at me! I just forgot he wasn't you! I didn't mean it! Honest!" I say in a small voice.

He sighed. "I know. And I'm not mad at you. I'm more mad at myself for letting you go to that world alone than I am at you." He said.

"I love you." I said, trying to kill the bad mood.

"I love you, too. Cee." He replied. "I would come over there and hug you if we weren't chained to the walls."

"Well, it's the thought that counts." I say, smiling.

"Oh! And by the way. Happy birthday, Cecilia." He said as he drifted off to sleep.

Then I remembered. Today was my birthday. With all that had happened I had forgotten.

"Thanks, Seto. I couldn't think of a better boyfriend than you." I said as I followed after him. And fell asleep.


Awww... :)

Hello! Well, how are you doing?

To tell you the truth I have nothing exciting to put there so...


If you could meet one person (fictional, or non-fiction), who would it be?

My answer:

Probably would have to be, the Doctor!

And that concludes today's chapter I hope you enjoyed! If you did be sure to comment and vote! And if you want to know what I'm doing at any given moment, just follow me! I'd love to see you in the streets of Cloud Nine! Also follow me on Instagram @GabbiKumo! But that's all for to day! Thanks guys and good-bye! (^-^)/

~ Gabbi ♥

The Thrones of Minecraft (A Setosorcerer and SkyDoseMinecraft F.F.)Where stories live. Discover now