Chapter XV ~ The Throne of Light.

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Jimmy's P.o.V

I awoke in a strange room and I couldn't remember what happened. "Wha-where am I?" I ask.

That's when I look around and see Tyler, Kyle, principal Persson, and three more people I don't think I've ever seen.

"You're in the hospital. You had an accident." Tyler Said.

"Accident? What do you mean? What happened? And where is Sheila? " I ask.

"That's a story and I was about to tell." Principal Persson started. "Once upon a time. In a far off land..."

(Opal's P.o.V.)

He told the tale of the two brothers. And even though I had heard it a million times, it was cool to hear it from the legend himself. The boys must have agreed, they look as enthusiastic as the three the story was for.

"That story was nice and all, but what does it have to do with anything?" Kyle, I think, asked.

"Well you see, I am Notch, the brother of light."

Notch's P.o.V. (A new p.o.v? This late in to the story? That was unexpected.)

I saw the boys' face twist into shock.

"And Sheila is really Princess Cecilia. Heir to the throne of light, future ruler of Minecraftia." I said.

"Oh..." was all Jimmy could say.

"Now I want to tell you another story. A continuation of the first.

"After the prince of darkness will be of age. His father will send him to destroy the kingdom of light.

"But, the king and princess will flee to a strange new world. And there the princess will meet the one who will save her world.

"And his magic will be as pure light. And his doppelganger will be of great power."

I left out the rest. For that tell of what is to come. And then I continue to say.

"Jimmy you're the one who will save our world."

Jimmy's P.o.V.

I am shocked for the second time. "H-how so you know?" I ask.

"That collar that was on you would have killed any normal person in seconds. You lasted a while longer.

"Plus your doppelganger is Seto. The greatest sorcerer of his time." He says.

"What does that have to do with anything?" I ask.

"You see. Everyone has a doppelganger. Even my brother and I, and Cecilia and Sky are doppelgangers. Everyone in Minecraftia has magic and magic passes from a minecraftian to their earthly counterpart.

"The more your doppelganger uses their magic the more you get. But, not everyone has enough to use it. And if they don't or can't use it, their doppelganger doesn't get any." Notch said.

"But What about the whole 'his magic will be as pure light' part?" I ask.

"You have pure light magic. And that is next to impossible. The only other people I know that have pure magic is Cecilia and Sky.

"Even Herobrine and I are mixed. Because he wasn't always evil.

"That's where even I get lost to have a pure magic. You must have a doppelganger with pure magic. Yet you are pure and Seto is mixed.

"But that is a puzzle to solve at another time." He finished.

And I have to ask. "How did I have powers all this time and I didn't know it?"

"Well this world is very fickle. Mixed and pure dark magic work. But pure light magic is canceled out here. Which made it the perfect place to hide Cecilia." He answers.

"Well then, just tell me how to save She- I mean Cecilia." I say.

"Count us in." The three said. I think Notch called them. Opal, Jerome and Mitch.

"And we just couldn't miss an adventure in mincraft. So count us in, too." Tyler said, and Kyle agreed.

I smile. With a team like this, I know we're ready for any thing Sky throughs at us.


As sad as it is to say, this is the last chapter that will be placed on earth. (Aside from the epilogue which will be short.)

This book is almost at it's end. But that's good. Because it means that book two is right around the corner. And I have been hit with the inspiration brick and have ideas flowing for every which way! :)

In other news, my brother got me hooked on gravity falls. It's pretty dark for a Disney show. And it has a overarching plot, according to him.

And I'm sure many of you are aware of Notch's selling of mojang to Microsoft.

"It's the end of an era..." As one article I read put it. And I wouldn't have put it any other way. :)

And I may be moving here in a month or two. I don't know much aside from, my grandfather died and my aunt wats her to come live with her and leave her house to my family. My uncles and other aunt agree.

If we do, updates may slow. But I'll let you know more as I find out.

And that leaves me with,

The CQotD:

If you were stranded on an alien planet, what is the first thing you do?

My answer:

Try and find who inhabits the planet then either try to make friends, or call the Doctor.

So I hope you enjoyed! If you did be sure to comment and vote! And if you want to know what I'm doing at any given moment, just follow me! I'd love to see you in the streets of Cloud Nine! Also follow me on Instagram @GabbiKumo! But that's all for to day! Thanks guys and good-bye! (^-^)/

~Gabbi ♥

The Thrones of Minecraft (A Setosorcerer and SkyDoseMinecraft F.F.)Where stories live. Discover now