Chapter XIII ~So I made a decision.

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"Good job, WitherMU." Sky said. Then Jason transformed in to a wither.

"Like my spy? You befriended him so easily." Sky said with a chuckle.
"What do you want from me?" I choke out weakly. I could feel the magic being drained from me.

"You know what I want. Sheila, or should I say Princess Cecilia." Sky says as he transformed me back to my old self.

Jimmy jumps away. "S-Sheila?" He says. I give him a look of 'I'm so sorry.'

"I want your throne." He said with a grin that made me sick to my stomach.

"I can't give something I don't have." I say standing by myself. "My father has the throne until my coronation."

"Isn't that too bad. Guess I'll just have to make sure I'm the next in line then." He says. Then he flashes next to me. "Now. How to dispose of a pest." He says then he pushes me to the floor.

"I know!" He says with too much glee. "How do you suppose I kill your boyfriend in front of you. Slowly and painfully?"

"You wouldn't." I say.

"Oh, I would." He says as he turns. "Why don't you ask Seto for yourself?"

The next thing I know, a black-winged boy appears with a chained Seto in his hands.

"SETO!" I screamed as I ran over to him. I kneeled beside him and gave him a hug. "Seto. Are you ok? Did they hurt you? Have you eaten?" I said faster than my own mind could handle.

"I'm fine, Cee." Seto said hugging me back.

"Ah, what a joyous reunion. The little princess and her boyfriend." Sky mocked. This made me mad.

"You set fire to my home, you kidnap and torture my boyfriend, you send me and my father into hiding. What more damage could you do to me before you're done having you're fun?" I ask with tears in my eyes.

"Oh, but I haven't even touch your friends here yet." Sky says.

Then Jimmy, Tyler, and Kyle are brought into my mess. "Sheila?" Jimmy asks.

"Leave them out of this." I growl.

"Or what? You don't even have magic now. Just hand yourself over. I've won and you lost. You and your father and your sorcerer and all that followed after the light!" He says. then gives an evil laugh that scared the living daylights out of me.

"Sheila, don't do it." I heard a small voice say. I looked over to see Jimmy standing with that look in his eyes. The one he had when he kissed me. But this time it's mixed with worry and fear.

He shouldn't have said anything because Sky then focused his rath at him. "Oh! So you follow the light, too? Well I would like you to know that your 'Sheila' never really existed! She was just using you to fit in! She never loved you! She could care less what happens to you! " He screams at him. He was holding him by his shirt

"She could be a criminal and on death row and I still I wouldn't care! I love her!" Jimmy says.

"Well then! Let's see how you like this then!" Sky says as he  snaps a collar around his neck.

He let's out a horrible scream. "No!" I shout.

Humans don't have magic like us minecraftians. And with out magic for the collar to drain, it will drain a person's life source. Jimmy will only have maybe ten, fifteen minutes.

So I made a decision.


Well that was dramatic...

Hey guys! Gabbi here and we reached 2k reads!!! Yay!!!

Thank so much! if it wasn't for you guys thrones would still be a one page idea I had, now it's a fully fledged book!

I can't believe in a little over two months I'll have been on wattpad one year!

It only seems like yesterday!

But enough about that. On to the CQotD!
When and how did you find this book?

And I think that's all so I hope you have enjoyed! If you did be sure to comment and vote! And if you want to know what I'm doing at any given moment, just follow me! I'd love to see you in the streets of Cloud Nine! Also follow me on Instagram @GabbiKumo! But that's all for today! Thanks guys and good-bye! (^-^)/


The Thrones of Minecraft (A Setosorcerer and SkyDoseMinecraft F.F.)Where stories live. Discover now