The duo, or trio including a now sleeping Noah, kept on working their way through the store. After about two hours of shopping they had found everything Olivia would be needing for Noah. Everything was checked off the list. She had a full cart of everything from bottles to bath time. Working their way to the front of the store Olivia spotted a pale blue crocheted  baby blanket. She reached out and smoothed the back of her hand down it, feeling how soft the blanket was. She picked it up and for a moment lost herself in all of the memories she could see her and Noah making together. All of the bed time routines where she put  Noah to bed while clutching tightly to the blanket.

She was brought out of her thoughts as Noah began to stir in the stroller. She placed the blanket in the already overflowing shopping cart and turned her attention towards her little boy. "Hello there sleepy head. Are you ready to get out of here? Because I know I am!" Olivia said to her son. She was met by a pair of sleepy eyes and a small smile. She reached into the car seat and caressed Noah's head "You should see all the stuff you're getting. You're going to have your own room with all your own stuff and a ton of new toys," she spoke softly down to her son. "You're not going to want or need for nothing. I love you my sweet, sweet boy."

After reaching the registers and paying for all of her things Olivia turned to Kelly and thanked her profusely for all her help.

Kelly simply replied "I'm just doing my job and it was my pleasure. I wish you and your new little addition nothing but love and happiness."  She looked down at Noah as he continued to sleep and said "He got really lucky with you. You are so enamored with him that I can just tell he is going to be one very loved little boy."

Feeling overcome by emotion she reached in and gave Kelly a hug. Startling both of them and then said "It is I who got lucky. I could have never imagined being able to call such a sweet and loving baby boy my son."

Making her way back to her apartment with several bags and a delivery truck behind her, Olivia finally walked through her apartment door. Noah had a bottle on the way home from the store while in the cab so he was content to just nap for a little while. The delivery men at the store agreed to bring over all of the larger items today since their work load was light.

Settling Noah's car seat down next to the couch, she took a seat on the couch, preparing for what would undoubtedly be a long afternoon. Olivia wanted to get all of his room set up and organized by the end of today. Most of the furniture was already together since she had bought the floor model, they were just going to deliver it already put together. Olivia had about an hour before the delivery men were supposed to arrive, so she decided to put on some more comfortable clothing and get to work on all of Noah's new clothes.

Halfway through the second bag of clothes, Olivia found a onesie that said Daddy's Favorite. Slightly taken aback she took a moment to compose herself. While Noah technically didn't have a Daddy she wasn't going to dwell on it, and she wasn't giving up on Love. She believed there was a guy somewhere out there for her, someone who would love her, and her son, unconditionally. But for now, her main focus was her little boy,  who was still sleeping in the car seat next to her. Noah came first in Olivia's world and nothing would ever come between her and her amazing little boys happiness.

Shortly after she finished going through his clothes and separating them by age category, there was a knock on the door. She answered it and the delivery men asked her where everything was supposed to go. She showed them back to his bedroom, which was the adjacent room to her own, and they proceeded to bring everything in.

Once everything was brought in and the delivery men were gone she made her way back to his bedroom, almost dreading the disaster she was about to find. Pushing open the door she was met with a half a dozen or so boxes stacked in the room surrounded by his furniture. Wow do I have a lot to get done! She walked into the room and grabbed the first box, which happened to be his highchair. Dragging it out into the kitchen she sat down on the floor and got to work on it.

An hour and a half later Olivia had successfully put together a highchair, pack 'n play, stroller and car seat, and a bouncy chair.  Hearing the beginnings of a cry from Noah she went into the living room and scooped him up out of his car seat. "Hello there mama's big boy! Is someone getting a little hungry? It's been a while since you've had lunch," she cooed down at the little boy, who instantly settled upon being held.

Olivia fed him some baby food then quickly made him a bottle and settled down on the couch with him as he ate. "I know we haven't been having too much fun today and I am so sorry about that little man, but mama has been working  very hard trying to make sure that your room is perfect," she spoke down at Noah as he continued to eat "I just want you to have everything you need to get us started on this new life together, because I can't wait."

Once Noah was done eating, burped, and changed Olivia grabbed the new baby carrier she had purchased and strapped Noah in. Securely attaching him to her body allowing them some bonding time while also allowing Olivia to finish up on her master project. Setting up Noah's entire room in one day. Moving back into his bedroom she looked down at Noah who was sucking on a pacifier and ran a finger down the side of his cheek.

"Well little man this is your room," she tells Noah as she turns around in the room, allowing him to see all around it. "Or, at least it will be when your mama's done with it," she chuckles while looking at the few boxes left on the ground.  

A few hours later, she sat in the now clean and organized bedroom, of Noah Benson. To the left of the door was the long armoire with the changing table on top of it with completely filled drawers below. Attached to the side was a diaper holder filled to the top.  Above the dresser hung a mirror that ran the length of the dresser. To the right of the door sat Noah's crib and  tall dresser. The crib was adorned in all of the new pillows that came with the matching bedding, while his new blanket hung over the side.

The tall dresser stood to the right of the crib, closest to the door, and was completely filled from top to bottom with things like socks, pajamas, and different hats. To the left of the crib was Olivia's favorite thing, the rocking chair. Having looked at over 15 different rockers and trying them all out, Olivia picked a white wooden rocker with grey plush cushions to match the colors from Noah's bed spread.

She went out to the kitchen and made Noah another bottle. Walking back into his bedroom she sat down in the rocker and took Noah out of the carrier and settling him down on her lap for the last feeding before bed. Once he was situated she brought the bottle to his lips and he began sucking in earnest. Rocking him as he continued to eat, Noah began falling asleep.

Running a finger along the bottom of his bare foot, Olivia woke him instantly "It looks like someone's pretty ticklish, aren't they?" she said while smiling down at him.

Once Noah was finished with his bottle and burped, Olivia continued to rock him for a little while, allowing him to fall asleep in her arms. Rubbing her hand along the top of his head, smoothing out his hair, and bringing it down to rest under his bottom. She brought him up to her and kissed his head "I love you little man. More today than yesterday and more tomorrow than today. Sweet dreams Noah."

She settled him down in his crib, giving him one more kiss on the head, she checked to make sure the baby monitor was on, and made her way to her room. Quickly changing and settling down in bed, she turned onto her side to stare at the image of her sleeping baby boy on the monitor. Reaching out, she ran her finger across  the image and whispered "Your mama will always be watching over you. You are safe and you are loved."

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