Chapter 22

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"Your problem is obvious kid, that's why your body wasn't able to go immediately to the true form of ultra violet." Icer tells me this as he squeezes onto my fist tighter and lets loose a blast that actually hurt bad enough to remind me how this fight was like not even half an hour ago! I hit the ground and skid across the rock planet in total shock from the sudden pain I felt. It takes nearly all my will power to use my other arm to stab into the ground and stop myself from sliding any further. "God damn it, what does he mean my problem? Wasn't I suppose to slowly be building up to the power I hold?" I check my watch to see how much I've grown in these last few minutes, but my emotions fade away into nothingness as my level remained at 80,000,000,000. I slam the side of my hand into the ground and sit, trying to think of the reason why I couldn't go all out, I mean, he even said it was obvious, how hard could it be? While I sat there and thought things through, the audience was chattering amongst themselves as well. "So uh, Mr. Hawk from earth 213?" 414 Alize nervously calls out Carlos as he happily replies, "Yes?" Alize goes on, "So what is actually holding that me back? Cause I don't have a clue either." Everyone faces 213 Carlos as he watches the screen in silence, it was unsure if he was plainly ignoring his question or just thinking of an answer, or for Alize's sake, he might be dumbing it down a whole bunch. "Well.." He rubs his helmets chin as he goes on, "The thing with you Alize's is always the same, be it you go to a monster high school with a bad attitude, or you become a God of evil, you all share the same idea. Even this one Alize who got sent to an alternate reality was prone to this action." Everyone wanted the answer as Adrian says irritated, "Get to the point." Carlos then says with all seriousness, "You all can't help but try to be the good guy. The Alize out there right now, he thinks that he's going all out, but in reality, he's holding himself back because he's scared that he might accidently kill his friend, and in this case, it's even harder thanks to that Icer Stasis for being the real deal." Everyone's eyes widen in realization as they face the screen and watch earth 101's Alize get up and prepare himself for another battle. I shake my head and look at the moving figure in the distance, he had all the power in the world right now and he's taking his sweet time getting over here, shows that he feels pity for me damn it. I then suddenly think about Waspette as the thought of her looking for me flooded my mind. I could imagine her leaping roof to roof, searching high and low for me, her wanting to tease me.. I almost shed a tear as I shake my head again and tell myself, "She's just a girl Alize.. Its not like you love her or anything! But she did seem interested, could she actually want a chance with me?" I don't even consider his energy as I get lost in thought, and as I talk to myself, Icer Stasis punches me across the face, knocking me back a few miles before asking, "Why do you still think so much? You are in a fight Alize, there is literally no reason to be focusing on anything else but me, no continue to fight me or else be pummeled by me." I feel my teeth get shattered as I hold my hand over my mouth in pain, knowing it would heal in a few seconds but remembering how serious this fight was! I get up and furrow my brows to focus on him, taking in a deep breath through my nose and back out the same way. I leap in and begin to attack his head, but he wasn't blocking once again as I just continued to attack, doing no damage. I got angrier at my inferiority to his power as I tried to hit harder, but nothing prevailed as he took my attacks without a sweat, this guy wasn't lying and it seemed like he was sick of me doing nothing to him. He then instantly grabs me by the throat and crushes it slowly as I grabbed him arm in struggle for breath, "Worthless." He says this with spite before running down to a crater and slamming my face into a wall that stretched for who knows how long! I was getting pummeled once again as I felt my emotions dampen a little with every mile of rock he rips me through, slowly drowning out my inner thoughts as I started to feel like an idiot all of a sudden. I then ask myself, "Why do I feel so much regret?"

Heroes Row: The multiversal battleDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora