Chapter 1

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I walk through the portal as I enter into a an area I have never seen before. The rocky ground was dark purple as I could see gigantic craters as far as I could see. "Woah, what is this place?" I ask in awe as a familiar voice floats down from above and replies, "This is a deserted moon from a parallel earth that was destroyed when the dinosaurs died off. There should be no loss of life at this fight." I look up at him and feel my emotions fly all over the place, I couldn't really understand what I felt as the slightly more slim armored Nanohawk lands in front of me and lends out his hand. I couldn't even mutter a word as my hand naturally goes up and shakes it, my mind was blown as I shake my head and say firmly, "Nice to meet you, I'm A.. Plasma Bullet from earth 101." He nods, "I am Nanohawk from earth 272, pleasure to make your acquaintance." He then passes by me and begins to talk with my Carlos as I face forward and see the other two groups not so far away, huddled together like football teams devising plans. I clear my throat and toss away my fear as I walk up to the closes group to my left and greet them, "Hey, I'm Plasma Bullet from earth 101, nice to meet you all." The four of them face me as I could see the slightly different costumes from my universe. And as I look down at a boy in a green suit with black goggles that had yellow lenses, I notice a black lightning symbol and widen my eyes as I ask, "Are you.." He interrupts me and stands proud as he replies, "I'm Plasma Bullet from earth 414, man you're tall, what's your height?" I scratch my head and reply, "5'10. You?" He sucks his teeth and says, "5'6 damn it, even the other versions of me are taller." I then ask, "So what's your story pal? This is so cool." His goggles actually show expression as I felt my orgasm for awesomeness take over, he could express his eyes like me but with what looks like a homemade suit, I even made this a long time ago when my powers went away for the first time! He then goes on, "Well I'm Alizé Christevon Samuel Maldonado, but they usually put just the C initial when they use my name at school. I uh.. am 17 and was hit by green lightning one night , giving me superhuman abilities. I simply help out the little guys while these ones save the world, I joined them a few times as well. So my turn, what's your story and how come those two blobs of yellow move like you express emotion through them?" I rub my hands together and clear my throat as I say, "The names Alizé Christevon Samuel Maldonado too, and they put the C and S in my initials. I was hit by a lightning bolt when I was covered in experimental liquid plasma, causing my genetics as a Plasmatonian to kick in and make me a superhero. I am basically a superhuman too though and fought through time and space for years, even ending up in other timelines by accident. And this suit is a living one, it can heal itself no problem and can think on its own. I'm 18 right now, but in actual terms of age, I should be 22 or older." He looks amazed as I look up at his team and greet them. "Hey Icer, hey Hawk, and.. woah you have plasma princess too? How?" He rubs the back of his head and replies, "She's an alien that fell in love with me and changed her look to match my suit." This was cool to witness, and the best part was that she wasn't chasing my tail! I look back at my version of her as she listened in on what the two hawks were talking about, and when I look to the other group, I see a pink version of her staring me dead in the eyes, even when I caught her red handed she till looked! I immediately face this group and shake all of their hands as Icer's didn't let me go. I looked up at him as he just looked down at me with some pretty intense pressure. I finally yank my hand away as I fist bumped this Alize and told him, "Ey, make sure to save those you can, even when you get older." He salutes me as I stretch my arms into the air and ready myself for the encounter with the next group.

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