Chapter 11

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Icer wakes up in my arms as he asks me, "Could you not hold me? It's hard enough being in pain, I don't want to look that pathetic." I smile and help him sit up as he puts his hands on his knees and takes deep breaths, getting his bearings as the announcer shouts, "THESE MATCHES ARE GETTING HOT! AND THAT'S TOO ALSO MENTION THAT LAST TWO LADIES COMING UP HERE TONIGHT, PLASMA PRINCESS FROM EARTH 213 AND EARTH 414 WILL HAVE THEIR GRAND STAND ON A LONE PLANET KNOWN AS THEIR HOME... PLASMA PLANET!" I feel the excitement course through my body as the screen shows the tall cities and the empty streets of which I fought their best armies. The announcer continues on as the two girls step on the teleporters, "THEY WILL FIGHT ON A PLANET THAT IS ABOUT TO BLOW FROM AN OVER EXCESSIVE AMOUNT OF ENERGY BEING TAKEN AWAY, AND ONE FACT ABOUT IT IS THAT THE PLASMA BULLET FROM EARTH 101 IS THE GUY WHO DID IT BEFORE ALTERING THE TIMELINE!" Everybody turns towards me as I remember getting the energy from the planet to go back in time, but then I ask, "Wait, if that planet gets destroyed, how are you still here? And what about the timeline? Is it still going on?" She replies, "Your human hawk guy pulled me into a portal that sent me to your planet and he told me about this tournament, he even trained me. He knew you would create that alternate timeline and when we were ready, he told the red plasmatonian of the original universe too." I feel a bit guilty about ruining the few timelines I've been through since I got my powers and lower my head in shame. Then the announcer shouts, "DO AS YOU WILL, DO AS YOU PLEASE, NOW FIGHT!" The two of them disappear in the blink of an eye as I could see the camera face the sky, showing the sparks of their fists colliding as I couldn't believe how good of a fight this was! I look at the watch as it showed that 414's base was 7,500, which is actually pretty good compared to 213's 10,000. They continue to fight as 213 throws her into a building and flies in after her, smashing her through the walls as 414 goes super plasma, immediately shooting her energy level to 375,000! She unleashes her energy and sends 213 flying to the air as she appears above her and closes her hands together before slamming with a sledgehammer like force into her stomach, smashing into the ground as the impact caused a crater with a barrage of cracks surrounding it, they even started to ooze magma! I am at the edge of my seat with excitement as it looked like that pink bitch was getting what she deserved! She then continues to pummel 213 for a good minute as it started to wear and tear into her body, the pink chick was gonna lose! "Yes!" I whisper to myself as I clench my left fist and jab my elbow back in joy, she was finally getting her cumuppets! And as it looked like it was the end, 414 grabs 213 by the hair and says, "You weren't even worth the fight." She then lets go as 213 falls onto one knee, and it seemed like there was no way out this time. "That's where you're wrong..." Everyone's eyes open with awe as 213 stands up and dusts off the debris from her chest and rolls her left shoulder a few times. She then places her arms at her sides and does a quick shout as the pink aura around her rose up to super plasma levels! Carlos then says loud enough for those around us to hear, "414's 375,000 won't be able to match 213's 500,000 now... should've not been so quick to assume victory." I hear 414's Carlos suck his teeth at the truth while the others now closely watched the match for any new developments to come. 414 then takes a few steps back as I hear 213 snicker at her fear. "There's only one thing in my life that I truly care about, and he is going to see me win this thing one way or another." I remember that her universe's plasma bullet isn't me as I think, "Ahh, so she must've somehow hooked up with the me in that universe too, bet he's so cool." The thought of me being awesome makes my stomach get butterflies as 213 makes a slight movement with her foot and causes 414 to go in to attack, causing the same scenario of sparks flying to happen as the ground beneath them slowly cracks open with every colliding punch.

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