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Brains work at 400 billion bits per second

Washed in signals running faster than sound

Arbiters to the grey forms speeding past dendritic galaxies

Observers to the beautiful unknown

Relief is the smell of the air after a thunderstorm

The brief forms of billowing shapeshifter clouds

Tensed strings resonating last notes of a Chopin ballade

His heartbeat and warmth as I fall asleep on his chest

Anxiety is the dark edges of an approaching forest,

The eyes crawling over me as I hold his hand

The to-do lists, the list of things I will never accomplish... the lists

The simplification of the incomprehensible into ink and paper


The words "Ich bin der welt abhanden gekommen"

Bring tears to my eyes that I must hold back,

The horse pulled strident by unsure reins

I dull sharp knives against the counters late at night,

Try to forget that headlights of trains are too dangerous,

People handing me colored pills and phrases worn cliché

Because I cannot stop to remember that

Cognition and reason are calyces, a protection

Petals pretending to be other than prismatic prison

You don't have to pull hard,

The roots are shallower than you think


I can't forget the hot breath of "faggot" on my face

The chandelier clink silence of ambivalent strangers

Rushed footsteps of people leaving my life

Losing my brother because I found my voice

I am sorry I said "I like you" and not "I love you"

Sorry I lied because I knew it would be easier

Sorry that "I love you" wasn't heroic

Sorry that it wasn't enough

I have too many scars from fixing the mirror

Stretch marks because my skin won't grow

But for now, I can pretend to be beautiful

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